OTTAWA - Canada plays a starring role in a soon-to-be-released film aimed at exposing China's bid for world domination through technology.

It was produced by one-time Trump strategist Steve Bannon.

The film, is fiction, but is "inspired by" Canada's arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.

Wanzhou and China's subsequent retaliatory measures, including the detention of two Canadians for alleged espionage and death sentences meted out to two other Canadians convicted of drug crimes.

Bannon has said the movie is aimed at exposing ties between Huawei, which he describes as the "greatest national security threat" to the United States, and China's communist government, which he maintains is "the greatest existential threat the West has ever faced."

He's also been clear that his objective is to stiffen U.S. President Donald Trump's resolve to shut Huawei out of development of next generation wireless networks over fears the telecommunications giant is controlled by the Chinese government.

He suggests its equipment could be used to spy on or sabotage other countries.

The film is to be released next month by New Tang Dynasty Television, part of the Epoch Media Group that is closely associated with the Falun Gong spiritual movement and includes the pro-Trump and vehemently anti-Beijing newspaper, The Epoch Times.

The 54-minute movie features a Canadian cast, including Eric Peterson of "Street Legal" and "Corner Gas" fame.

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