A get-out-the-vote video starring a number of celebrities, including the cast of Marvel's "Avengers," has drawn the ire of Donald Trump supporters on social media, who loudly condemned the actors for their anti-Trump message.

The video for the features several actors who have starred in superhero films, including Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, James Franco and Mark Ruffalo, as well as Martin Sheen, Julianne Moore, Keegan-Michael Key and Canadian Nathan Fillion. Together, they encourage Americans to "save the day" by voting on Nov. 8.

The actors do not name Trump specifically, but they reference him several times throughout the video. "Do you really want to give nuclear weapons to a man whose signature move is firing things?" they say.

"We can end this nightmare before it begins – we can save the day," the actors say in the video.

The actors dangle a metaphorical carrot at the end of the video, with the promise that Mark Ruffalo will appear nude in his next movie.

"Full monty," says Johansson.

"Full Marky," adds Neil Patrick Harris.

The actors do not specify the film in which Ruffalo will appear nude, and he doesn't seem too excited about the proposal. However, indicates Ruffalo is currently reprising his role as Bruce Banner/The Hulk in "Thor: Ragnarok," which is due out next year. He is also slated to appear in "Avengers: Infinity War" in 2018, although it's hard to believe Ruffalo would ever "Hulk out" in the buff.

The "Save the Day" video was produced by director Joss Whedon, who also returned to Twitter this week to promote the campaign. Whedon previously quit social media amid the negative backlash from fans over his 2015 film "Avenger: Age of Ultron."

"Hey, did I miss anything?" Whedon on Wednesday, in the first tweet from his new account. "Lol jk the world is on fire."

Most of the actors in the video have previously worked with Whedon in some capacity.

Trump supporters assemble

The video touched a nerve with Trump supporters on social media, with many slamming it as "elitist" and "out of touch."

One user on YouTube offered an alternative description for the video.

"Description line should read, "The world's most elite people explain why it's important that you vote for who they tell you to," wrote user Chief Doggingfood. "The more rich, powerful and bossy people could and say this… the more I want to vote Trump just to spite them. Stop telling me what to do." The comment received more than 500 "thumbs-ups" after two hours, making it one of the most-liked comments on the YouTube page.

Several critics also pointed out that Chris Evans, who plays Captain America, did not appear in the video. "I guess Captain America is voting for Trump," one commenter said on YouTube.