Health and Safety Advisory Committee (HSAC)

This committee works to review, evaluate and make recommendations regarding safety and emergency planning activities at all university locations. The committee reviews regular inspections of university facilities, grounds, and the university environments to identify safety issues and evaluate compliance with university safety policies and procedures.


The Safety Committee consists of twenty (20) members who represent various offices, programs, and areas of the university.  If you are interested in serving on the committee you can review the membership representation in section of the University Faculty and Governance Handbook and contact Executive Assistant to the Provost Maegan Jossy to express interest.

Current Officers

Peter Morgan - Chair
Kelsey Delanoy - Chair Elect
Cindy Schuppert - Secretary


  • Per Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) , Oregon OSHA Rules, the committee meets monthly, typically on the third Friday of each month.
  •  are available via Box.  


Required for all HSAC members:

OSHA requires the three courses included in the training suite for all safety committee members.  These courses provide information and education specific to the administration of safety meetings, hazard identification, and accident investigation.

Completed certificates should be loaded to the  folder in Box.  Use the following naming convention when uploading your certificates:

Last Name and First Initial_YYYY_Course Name or Abbreviation 
RasmussenA_2023_Hazard Identification or