Staff Senate Committees and Leadership

Staff Senate invites you to get involved in a committee! There are six committees to choose from: Staff Development, Caring, Welcoming, Staff Engagement (formerly Idea), Communications, and Governance. Read below for a brief description of each committee and who the committee chair is. We would love to hear from you! It’s a great way to share your ideas, collaborate with colleagues, and get involved in campus governance.

Committees meet monthly and membership is open to staff, faculty, and students. Feel free to contact staffsenate@pacificu.edu or the chair of the committee listed below to learn more about the important role that these committees play in the university.

Staff Professional Development Committee

Co-chair: Martha Robertson
Co-chair: Keagan Weis

Prepares and hosts staff development workshops and seminars. Explores opportunities for staff to build strong and productive relationships across the campus community. The committee works to provide leadership opportunities, technology training, and other staff professional development opportunities. This group also plans the annual All-Staff Conference held in June.

Caring Committee

Chair: Elizabeth Jerabek

Works to create a community of encouragement among Pacific staff members by sending notes of care in response to life-changing events such as staff/family medical crises, marriage, new babies, the loss of a loved one; and birthdays. To request care for a co-worker, email staffcaring@pacificu.edu.

Welcoming Committee

Chair: Andrea Lybarger

Provides a personalized welcome to new employees through the Boxer Buddy program. Those who have been employed by the university for more than a year are invited to sign up to be a Boxer Buddy. We invite you to show new employees our welcoming and friendly community here at Pacific. !

Staff Engagement (formerly Idea) Committee

Chair: Alma Heredia

Organizes social activities to bring the university community together including the annual Halloween costume competition, winter door decorating contest, bowling, and more. Some events are family-friendly and open to the greater Pacific community or the public at large. Participation is voluntary. If you have suggestions for a future event or program, please contact ideas@pacificu.edu.

Communications Committee

Chair: Rebekah Ratzlaff

In addition to planning the quarterly All-Staff Meetings, the Communications Committee works to share Staff Senate news, activities, and opportunities with the greater university community.

Governance Committee

Chair: Peter Morgan

This committee coordinates the annual election process for Staff Senate, monitors vacancies and reviews the bylaws and the University Faculty and Governance Handbook language regarding the Staff Senate on a regular basis.

Staff Representation on University Standing Committees

Senators or designated staff members may also serve as representatives on university standing committees as established by the University Council. Learn more about these committees. Also, illustrating the shared governance structure at Pacific.

  • Cultural Collections Committee
  • Diversity Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Health & Safety Advisory Committee
  • Healthcare Operations and Compliance Committee
  • Honors and Awards Committee
  • Technology Committee