Professional Student Senate Members

2024-25 Executive Board

Chair: Ashley Mosesman
Chair-elect: Jasmin Schaefer
Secretary: Eryn de Jonge
Treasurer: Marie Hannon
Student Organization Coordinator: Brandi Wiklund
Communications Coordinator: Chloe Bartel


College of Business = 1 senator

College of Education

  • School of Learning & Teaching (College of Education) = 1 senator
  • ​School of Communication Sciences and Disorders (College of Education) = 1 senator

College of Health Professions

  • Audiology = 1 senator
  • Dental Hygiene = 1 senator
  • Occupational Therapy = 2 senators
  • Pharmacy = 3 senators
  • Physical Therapy (including Athletic Training) = 2 senators
  • Physician Assistant Studies = 2 senators
  • School of Graduate Psychology (including PsyD, PhD, and ACP) = 3 senators

College of Optometry = 3 senators

College of Arts & Sciences

  • Master of Social Work = 1 senator 

Advisor to the Professional Student Senate

 Pete Erschen | Dean of Student Engagement and Inclusion