** Please note: As of February 2016 we have changed our document storage system and links are in the process of being updated. If you are unable to access the link with your PUN ID, please contact kimg@pacificu.edu with your request for materials.**
Policies and Procedures | Revised Sexual Misconduct Policies
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures
Informational item 5/14/15 |
Handbook Changes | Chapter 2 - Housekeeping Edits
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Informational Item 4/23/15 |
Handbook Changes | Chapter 2 - Staff Senate
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
NA |
New Program | PhD in Education and Leadership
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Reviewed 1/14/15 Second Review 3/18/15 |
Handbook Language | Chapter 2 Edits from University Personnel Committee
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Received 11/20/14 UPC |
NA |
Handbook Language | Chapter 2 Edits regarding election of University Faculty Chair
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Received 2/5/15 Approved 3/12/15 |
Received 11/20/14 |
Policies and Procedures | University Honors and Awards Committee
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Received 11/13/14 |
NA |
Handbook Language | University Honors and Awards Committee
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Received 11/13/14 |
NA |
New Program | PhD in Vision Science, College of Optometry
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
10/15/14 Informational Item |
Policies & Procedures | Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
NA |
- pdf on Vault
Handbook Language | Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
New Major | Criminal Justice, Law & Society (College of Arts & Sciences)
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Informational Item 9/17/14 |
Policies & Procedures | Institutional Review Board
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
NA |
Handbook Language | Institutional Review Board
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
Policies & Procedures | Institutional Biosafety Committee
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |
NA |
Handbook Language | Institutional Biosafety Committee
University Council | Faculty Senate | Staff Senate |