race and ethnicity, Associated Press style offers several guidelines, including the following. As a rule, when referring to a person, use the individual's preferred terminology.
- Capitalize Black. Do not capitalize white.
- Do not use Black or white as singular nouns; use only as adjectives in reference to people.
- African American (no hyphen) may be an appropriate term but is not necessarily interchangeable with Black.
- Asian American (no hyphen) may be an appropriate term for an American of Asian descent. When possible, refer to the person's country of origin or follow the individual's personal preference.
- Latino, Latina and Latinx may all be appropriate terms in reference to people of Latin American descent. Latinx is an appropriate non-gendered term. Hispanic is also generally acceptable for those in the U.S.
- Native American is a generally acceptable term for those in the U.S. Use specific tribe names if possible. Some tribes and tribal nations use member; others use citizen. If in doubt, use citizen. In Alaska, the indigenous groups are collectively known as Alaska Natives. First Nation is the preferred term for native tribes in Canada. Capitalized the term Indigenous to refer to original inhabitants of a place.
- Do not capitalize white in reference to people. Avoid the use of Caucasian as a synonym for white, unless in a quotation.
- Note race or ethnicity only when it is pertinent to the topic.
Research Office also Office of Research
Registrar’s Office also Office of the Registrar
residence hall not dormitory
Residence Life also Housing & Residence Life
Residence Hall Association RHA informally
Resident Assistant RA informally
school capitalize as part of a formal name (e.g. School of Pharmacy) but not alone on second reference (e.g. the school)
School of Arts & Humanities Arts & Humanities on second reference, part of the College of Arts & Sciences
School of Audiology Audiology on second reference, part of the College of Health Professions. Offers a doctorate in audiology (AuD). Operates the Pacific EarClinic.
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders part of the College of Education, offers an under鶹Ӱ minor in communication sciences & disorders, as well as a master’s in speech-language pathology. Note capitalization only in reference to the school, not the major.
School of Dental Hygiene Studies Formerly Dental Health Science. Informally DHS. Part of the College of Health Professions. Note capitalization only in reference to the school, not the discipline. Offers a bachelor’s degree in dental hygiene (BSDH). Note capitalization only in reference to the school, not the discipline.
School of Graduate Psychology (Formerly School of Professional Psychology) Graduate Psychology on second reference, SGP informally. Not shortened to Psychology (under鶹Ӱ major). Part of the College of Health Professions. Offers a master’s in applied psychological science, a doctor of psychology (PsyD) in clinical psychology and a doctor of philosophy (PhD) in clinical psychology. Note capitalization only in reference to the school, not the discipline. Operates clinics in Hillsboro and Portland.
School of Healthcare Administration and Leadership Healthcare Administration and Leadership on second reference. Part of the College of Health Professions.
School of Learning & Teaching Learning & Teaching on second reference, part of the College of Education
School of Natural Sciences Natural Sciences on second reference, part of the College of Arts & Sciences
School of Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy on second reference, OT informally. Part of the College of Health Professions. Offered a master’s in occupational therapy (OT) through the class of 2014 and offers a doctor of occupational therapy (OTD) since 2012. Note capitalization only in reference to the school, not the discipline.
School of Pharmacy Pharmacy on second reference. Part of the College of Health Professions. Offers a doctor of pharmacy (PharmD).
School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training Part of the College of Health Professions. Offers a doctor of physical therapy (PT) and master of science in athletic training (MSAT). Note capitalization only in reference to the school, not the discipline. Operates physical therapy clinics in Hillsboro and Cornelius.
School of Physician Assistant Studies Physician Assistant Studies on second reference, PA informally. Part of the College of Health Professions. Offers a master of science in physician assistant studies. Note capitalization only in reference to the school, not the discipline.
School of Social Sciences part of the College of Arts & Sciences
Pacific Hall formerly Harvey Scott Memorial Library
seasons lowercase winter, spring, summer, fall, except when referring to semesters (e.g. Fall Semester)
semester lowercase alone, capitalize name of a semester (e.g. Fall Semester, Fall 2012)
sentence spacing use only one space between sentences
Service Center the university copy shop for duplication and centralized business materials center
Sherman/Larkins Stadium name of softball facility in Lincoln Park Athletic Complex
Silk Road Review 鶹Ӱ literary magazine
Social Sciences shortened form of School of Social Sciences, part of the College of Arts & Sciences
states spell out all state names when they stand alone in text. Abbreviate states using AP Style, not postal codes, when they follow state names. Never abbreviate Alaska, Hawai'i, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas or Utah. Note style on Hawai'i differs from AP Style. Do not capitalize the word “state” (e.g. She lives in New York state. Our neighbor to the north is Washington state. We live in the state of Oregon.)
Strain Science Center shortened version of Douglas C. Strain Science Center
Stoller Center Forest Grove Campus athletic center. Pronounce (St-oh-ler). No acronym. Do not refer to as PAC or Pacific Athletic Center.
Student Optometric Association SOA informally
Student Outreach Admissions Representatives SOAR internally
Students Today Alumni Tomorrow STAT informally
Student Life
Taylor Auditorium located in Marsh Hall
Taylor-Meade Performing Arts Center home of the McCready Hall auditorium, music department
Theatre Department also Department of Theatre
theatre a form of fine arts marked by live performance, a venue for a live performance. Sometimes theater (defer to formal title when appropriate).
theater an auditorium where movies are shown. Sometimes theatre (defer to formal title when appropriate).
Thetas members of the sorority Theta Nu Alpha
Theta Nu Alpha a sorority affiliated with the Alpha Zeta Fraternity. Members are known as Thetas.
they/them/their, a plural pronoun should, in most cases, agree in number with the antecedent, according to the Associated Press Stylebook. However, they/them/their is acceptable as a singular in some cases. When possible, rewording sentences is preferable to avoid number confusion while honoring the individual's gender identity.
Tim & Cathy Tran Library the Forest Grove Campus Library should be referred to by name as the Tim & Cathy Tran Library, or Tran Library on second or internal reference. Named for Khiem “Tim” ’74 and Thuy “Cathy” Tran ’74 in October 2017. The Tran Library is the specific building within the system of 鶹Ӱ Libraries.
times of day a.m., p.m., noon, midnight. Do not include double-zeros (e.g. 8 a.m. not 8:00 a.m.) Avoid redundancy (e.g. don’t say 10 a.m. this morning). Use words to describe a time frame (e.g. The event takes place from 9 a.m. to noon.) En dashes are acceptable in lists or when space is limited (e.g. Lecture, 9 a.m.–noon, today.)
titles capitalize position or job when used as a title before a person’s name; lower case after a name (e.g. President Lesley Hallick delivered a speech. Hallick is Pacific’s 17th president.) Where to add commas in a title Name Name MD, FAAEM or Joe Snow DH Ed, PAC. Men rather than boys, Women rather than girls, and Students rather than kids.
Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement, the result of the 2018 merger of the Center for Civic Engagement and Tom McCall Center for Policy Innovation
Tom McCall Center for Policy Innovation, merged in 2018 with the Center for Civic Engagement to become the Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement
Tom Miles Theatre located in Warner Hall
Tom Reynolds Field former soccer field where Cascade Hall now stands
Tran Library shortened name of the Tim & Cathy Tran Library, the library building on the Forest Grove Campus that is part of the system of 鶹Ӱ Libraries. Appropriate on second reference or for internal communications.
Trombley Square
Tutoring and Learning Center TLC internally
University Center officially Washburne Hall, the student union, UC on second reference or internal audience
UC Box #______
University Information Services UIS internally
university capitalize as part of a formal name (e.g. 鶹Ӱ) but not alone on second reference (e.g. the university)
University Advancement also Office of University Advancement, UA informally
URL an address for a specific webpage.
Vandervelden Court university-owned residence hall offering on-campus student apartment units
Vandervelden Apartments privately-owned, off-campus apartment homes
Walter Hall student residence hall
Washburne Hall also University Center or UC, informally
Washington County home of the Forest Grove Campus and Hillsboro Campus
website one word
webpage one word
Woodburn Campus home of College of Education programs
World Wide Web shortened web