dashes single space on either side of dashes and ellipses. Exception. Use a traditional dash with no spaces in phone numbers: 503-352-2211. Use an en – long dash about the width of the letter n – or em dash — width of the letter m — to set off parenthetical elements, particularly when the elements contain internal forms of punctuation. In most word-processors, the en dash is created by holding down the option key and typing a hyphen. The em dash (Long dash about the width of the letter n) is created with the option + shift and typing a hyphen.
database one word
dates use a comma when including day (e.g. Saturday, Jan. 15, 1988) but not with month and year only (e.g. January 1988). Abbreviate names of months when a date is included (except for March, April, May, June, July). Spell out “to” when a date is used in a sentence, (e.g. from May 7 to May 14). In a listing, an en dash is acceptable. (e.g. Abbott Center | May 7–14 | Noon–3 p.m.)
days of the week always spell them out. Do not abbreviate.
Dean’s List
decades no apostrophe in four-digit form (e.g. 1930s). In two-digit form, apostrophe points away from numbers (e.g. ’30s).
degrees (academic) no periods in degree abbreviations, except Hon. for honorary degree. Do not capitalize degree names (e.g. She earned a bachelor’s degree in social work. He earned his master of business administration). Use an apostrophe-s in bachelor’s degree, a master’s, etc., but not in bachelor of arts or master of science. Associate degree, no apostrophe-s.
degree abbreviations
AuD | doctor of audiology
BA | bachelor of arts
BEd | bachelor of education
BHS | bachelor of health science
BMT | bachelor of music therapy
BS | bachelor of science
BSDH | bachelor of science in dental hygiene
BSW | bachelor of social work
DPT | doctor of physical therapy
EMBA | executive master of business administration
MA | master of arts
MAT | master of arts in teaching
MAEd | master of arts in education
MBA | master of business administration
MEd | master of education
MEd/VFL | master of education/visual function in learning
MFA | master of fine arts
MHA | master of healthcare administration
MS | master of science
MSAT | master of science in athletic training
MSF | master of science in finance
MSW | master of social work
OD | doctor of optometry
OT | master of occupational therapy (previously offered)
OTD | doctor of occupational therapy
PA | master of science in physician assistant studies
PharmD | doctor of pharmacy
PhD | doctor of philosophy
PsyD | doctor of psychologyother common degrees
JD | juris doctorate (not offered at Pacific)
MPA | master of public administration (not offered at Pacific)
MSEd | master of science in education (previously offered at Pacific)
MSPT | master of science in physical therapy
Delta Chi Delta a sorority founded in 1959 and re-established in 2001. Members are known as Deltas.
Deltas members of the sorority Delta Chi Delta
Dental Hygiene Studies shortened form of School of Dental Hygiene Studies, formally known as the School of Dental Health Science. Informally DHS or dental hygiene. Offers a bachelor’s degree (BSDH) in dental hygiene. Operates a clinic in Hillsboro.
dental hygiene BSDH degree in the School of Dental Hygiene Studies. Lowercase in reference to the discipline.
department names capitalize all versions of department name (e.g., Department of Biology, Biology Department). Do not capitalize subject without name of department. (e.g. She is studying biology.)
Development Office also Office of Development, informally Development, division within University Advancement
disc compact disc, removable storage, CD, DVD
disk hard disk drive (which accepts a disc)
disk drive computer; not disc, as in compact disc
Division III Pacific’s athletics national affiliation in the NCAA. Use NCAA Division III on first reference.
doctorate or doctoral degree, PhD (if degree designation is needed, PhD preferred over Dr). Professor also preferred over Dr. to avoid confusion with medical doctors.
dollar use numerals and dollar signs (e.g. $6 million drive, $40, not $40.00 or $40 dollars)
dormitory do not use. Refer to as residence hall.
Douglas C. Strain Science Center Strain Science Center on second reference
EarClinic when referring to the university audiology clinic. The Pacific EarClinic is located in Hillsboro.
Education shortened form of College of Education, COE (internally). Capitalize in reference to the college.
education lowercase as a common noun (e.g. Pacific offers a quality education.)email no hypen. Other e- words do use hyphens, including e-commerce, e-learning, etc.
ellipses three periods in a row to denote the omission of part of a sentence or a trailing off thought. Off-set with space before and after. If ending a sentence, use ellipses followed by space, then period
English Language Institute ELI internally
Eugene Oregon’s second largest city, located in Lane County, home of our Eugene Campus
Eugene Campus formal name of 鶹Ӱ site in Eugene
EyeClinic shortened version of Pacific EyeClinics, the university optometry clinics located in Beaverton, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Portland and at the Washington School for the Blind in Vancouver, Wash.
EyeTrends shortened version of Pacific EyeTrends, Pacific EyeClinic’s dispensary for glasses/frames and is also referred to as EyeClinic+EyeTrends
extension referring to campus phone numbers. May be shortened to ext. 2211 if space is limited, but not x2211.
EyeVan the vehicle in which 鶹Ӱ Community Outreach program provides vision screenings, examinations and education to the community. pacificu.edu/EyeVan
Early Learning Community a preschool site operated on the Forest Grove Campus by the , ELC internally. Includes the Brim Family Outdoor Learning Center, sometimes known informally as the Cedar Classroom
Facilities also Facilities Department, Department of Facilities
Family Weekend
Financial Aid also Office of Financial Aid, Financial Aid Office
Forest Grove a city in western Washington County, about 25 miles west of Portland, site of the first 鶹Ӱ campus. Informally called “The Grove,” not to be confused with The Grove dining commons in the University Center
Forest Grove Campus formal name of 鶹Ӱ site in Forest Grove. Not “historic campus” or “main campus.”
Forest Grove Aquatic Center city-owned pool adjacent to the Forest Grove Campus. Home venue for Pacific’s swim teams.
Forest Grove Leader newspaper in Forest Grove. Leader in second reference.
Forest Grove News-Times newspaper in Forest Grove. News-Times on second reference.
former names see names
Gamma Sigma a fraternity founded in 1863. The first Greek organization established west of the Mississippi. Members also known as Gammas.
Gammas members of the fraternity Gamma Sigma
gender use the pronoun preferred by the individuals. If that preference is not expressed, ask or use the pronoun consistent with the way the individual presents.
Gilbert Hall student residence hall
goboxers.com website for 鶹Ӱ Athletic Department
The Grove dining commons in the University Center. Also the colloquial nickname of the city of Forest Grove.