Abbott Alumni Center home of the Office of Alumni Relations
Academic All-American trademarked term used in reference to College Sports Information Directors of America program. Do not use with any other program.
academic degrees see degrees
academic year use en dash and four-digit years (e.g. 2011–2012)
Accessibility & Accommodation Services The Office of Accessibility & Accommodation Services, OAA internally. Formerly Learning Support Services, or LSS.
acronyms use sparingly for external audiences. Use the full name on first reference. Do not follow an organization’s name with an abbreviation; if an abbreviation or acronym would not be clear on second reference, do not use it.
ACE Board an acronym for Activities and Cultural Events Board
Admissions Office also Office of Admissions, Admissions
adviser is acceptable, but advisor is preferred in an academic setting
advisor appropriate spelling in an academic setting
addresses abbreviate names of streets when accompanied by the street number. Example: Hillsboro Campus, 190 SE 8th Ave.
age always use numerals (e.g. 5 years old; the 87-year-old man)
aloha wear rather than Hawaiian shirt, etc.
Alpha Kappa Delta a sorority established in 1904. Members are known as AKDs. Affiliated with the Alpha Zeta Fraternity.
Alpha Zeta a fraternity established in 1867. Members are known as AZs. Affiliated with the Alpha Kappa Delta and Theta Nu Alpha sororities.
All-American noun or adjective (e.g. Kelsey Owens is an All-American. She is an All-American athlete.) When referring to a team, it is All-America team.
alum may be used informally for a singular alumnus. Additionally: alumnus (male, singular), alumna (female, singular), alumnae (female, plural), alumni (male plural, or male and female combined plural). Do not use "alums."
Alumni Association
Alumni Office also Office of Alumni Relations, Alumni Relations
a.m. see times of day
American Optometric Student Association AOSA informally
Archives shortened form of 鶹Ӱ Archives, located in the Library on the Forest Grove Campus
Arts & Humanities shortened form of School of Arts & Humanities, part of the College of Arts & Sciences
Arts & Sciences shortened form of College of Arts & Sciences, capitalize and use ampersand
Athletic Department also Athletics, Department of Athletics
athletic training lowercase in reference to the discipline. The School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training offers a master's in athletic training (MSAT).
Audiology shortened form of School of Audiology, part of the College of Health Professions. Offers a doctorate in audiology, AuD. Operates Pacific EarClinic. Capitalize only in reference to the school.
audiology lowercase in reference to the discipline
AZ shortened version of Alpha Zeta Fraternity. Members known as AZs.
bachelor’s degree also bachelor of arts, BA; bachelor of science, BS; bachelor of health science, BHS; bachelor of social work, BSW; bachelor of music therapy, BMT; bachelor of education, BEd
Barbara E. Story Memorial Garden
Bates House home of Arts & Sciences, Advisory Center, some faculty and administrative offices
Berglund Hall home of the College of Education, College of Business, offices
Berglund Center an innovation incubator, now part of the 鶹Ӱ Libraries and includes the Boxer Makerspace
Black use the capitalized term as an adjective in a racial, ethnic or cultural sense. See race and ethnicity for more information.
Bon Appetít Pacific’s food service contract. Dining Services or Catering is preferred.
books see composition titles
Boxer also the Boxer, Boxer mascot, Boxer Nation Boxers, Boxer Spirit. Pacific’s mascot. Bronze Chinese dragon-dog statue brought to Pacific in 1896. Always capitalize.
Boxer Makerspace facility within the Tran Library and operated as part of the Berglund Center
Boxer Pause formerly Alumni Room, first floor, University Center
Brim Family Outdoor Learning Center, the outdoor classroom in the Early Learning Community, sometimes Cedar Classroom informally
Brown Hall named after Pacific co-founder Tabitha Brown; pronounced “Tab-a-tha” by some “Ta-bee-tha” by others
Building 2 shortened form of Hillsboro Building 2, the second building constructed at Pacific’s Hillsboro Campus. Formerly HPC2.
building names use title case (e.g. Pacific Hall)
Burlingham Hall residence hall for students
Business shortened form of College of Business, COB internally. Capitalize in reference to the college.
bullet point lists capitalize first word. Do not use a period at the end of bullets unless a bullet contains more than one sentence.
campus refers to 鶹Ӱ locations in Forest Grove (formally Forest Grove Campus), Hillsboro (formally Hillsboro Campus), Eugene (formally Eugene Campus), and Woodburn (formally Woodburn Campus). Other locations are sites or clinics.
Campus Public Safety CPS internally
capitalization capitalize only complete official titles that come before a person’s name, and official names of departments and organizations, etc. Capitalize proper nouns, beginnings of sentences, and all words (except articles and prepositions) in a headline. Do not capitalize university, college, school, department, etc., when used without complete proper name.
Career Development Center Career Center second reference, CDC internally
Cascade Hall residence hall for students
catalog 鶹Ӱ catalog is the official title of the publication.
Cawein Gallery shortened form of Kathrin Cawein Gallery of Art, pronounced “ka-wine”
Cedar Classroom, formally the Brim Family Outdoor Learning Center, an outdoor classroom in the Early Learning Community
Center for Civic Engagement, now the Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement
Center for Gender Equity CGE internally
Center for Languages and International Collaboration CLIC internally
Center for Learning and Student Support, or CLASS, offers tutoring and study groups housed in the Tran Library
Center for Peace and Spirituality CPAS internally
Center for a Sustainable Society
century spell out numbers less than 10 (e.g. ninth century, 19th century). Hyphenate adjectival forms (e.g. 18th-century view).
certification/credentials see titles
chair or chairperson, preferable to chairman or chairwoman
Chuck Bafaro Stadium at Bond Field baseball field in the Lincoln Park Athletic Complex. Chuck Bafaro Stadium on second reference.
cities should be followed by a state abbreviation (see states). The following cities do not need state references: Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Honolulu, Houston, Indianapolis, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle. A state reference also may be omitted for Oregon cities that are easily recognizable to your audience (e.g. Beaverton, Eugene, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Portland)
Clark Hall residence hall for students
class years lowercase class (e.g. class of 1999, class of 2000). Apostrophe points away from number, and there is no comma between the name and year (e.g. Jane Doe ’34). References between 1849 and 1918 should include the entire year (e.g. Jane Doe 1892). For dual degrees, refer to under鶹Ӱ first (e.g. John Doe ’57, OD ’59). Include the degree even if the student has not yet 鶹Ӱd; it then is the projected year of graduation (OD ’18, PsyD ’18).
cocurricular or extracurricular
college capitalize as part of a formal name (e.g. College of Arts & Sciences) but not alone on second reference (e.g. the college)
College of Arts & Sciences use ampersand. Arts & Sciences on second reference, CAS internally
College of Business Business on second reference, COB internally
College of Education Education on second reference, COE internally
College of Health Professions Health Professions on second reference, CHP internally
College of Optometry Optometry on second reference, OPT internally (not PUCO or COO)
commas use commas to separate elements in a series, but do not use a comma before the conjunction in a simple series (e.g. The flag is red, white and blue.) Do use a comma before the concluding conjunction in a series if an integral element of the series requires a conjunction (e.g. I had orange juice, toast, and ham and eggs for breakfast) or in a complex series of phrases. Use in numbers greater than 999 (see also numbers). When suffixes such as "Jr.," "Sr." or "III" follow a name, you do not need to use a comma. For example Martin Luther King Jr.
Commencement formal title for graduation ceremony
committee names capitalize names of official committees recognized by university governance. Informal committee names (e.g. holiday party committee) are not capitalized.
Communication Sciences & Disorders shortened version of School of Communication Sciences & Disorders, part of the College of Education. Offers an under鶹Ӱ minor in communication sciences & disorders (CSD), as well as a master’s in speech-language pathology (SLP).
communication sciences & disorders lowercase in reference to under鶹Ӱ minor
communication design under鶹Ӱ minor
communications under鶹Ӱ minor
composition titles capitalize and italicize the title of all compositions, including books, computer games, movies, operas, plays, poems, albums and songs, radio and television programs, and lectures, speeches and works of art. Exception: If two levels of composition are listed together, such as a song and album title, italicize the larger composition and put the lesser piece in quotes (e.g. “Come Together” is the opening song on the Beatles’ Abbey Road album.)
Convocation formal assembly of welcoming students to the institution
Coronavirus, or COVID-19 see 鶹Ӱ statement on naming. see
Corn Roast a public event hosted by the Forest Grove Cornelius Chamber of Commerce. Formerly Founders’ Day.
Corporate & Foundation Relations
course work
courtesy titles In most cases, avoid the use of courtesy titles. Use Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Miss only in direct quotes. Do not use in event programs or mailing lists. Dr. may be used to refer to a medical doctor if a story relates to the medical field. In most cases, a degree designation following a person’s name is preferable. Use Rev. or Rev. Dr. on first reference when referring to a member of the clergy. See names
Creighton Hall the first building constructed at Pacific’s Hillsboro Campus