Reporting Options

Anyone who experiences sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic and relationship violence and stalking has the right to make a report to law enforcement and/or to the University.

Your Choice

It is your choice as to whether you want to make a report to law enforcement and/or the University – no one can force you to do so. 

Reporting to Law Enforcement

Although it is best to make a report to law enforcement as close in time to the incident as possible, you may make a report to law enforcement at any time.  You may make the report anonymously and confidentially.  You may have a confidential advocate with you when you make the report and through any investigation or interview.

Campus Public Safety and Law Enforcement

Campus Public Safety
Phone: 503-352-2230

Forest Grove Police Department
Emergency:  911
Non-Emergency Phone: 503-629-0111

Hillsboro Police Department
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: 503-629-0111

Portland Police Department
Emergency:  911
Non-Emergency Phone:  503-823-3333

Eugene Police Department
Emergency:  911
Non-Emergency Phone:  541-682-5111

Confidential Resources

Domestic Violence Resource Center
24-Hour Crisis Line: 503-469-8620

Call to Safety (Formerly Portland Women’s Crisis Line)
24 Hour Crisis Line: 503-235-5333

Washington County Victim’s Assistance Program, District Attorney’s Office
Phone: 503-846-8671

Portland Women’s Crisis Line
Phone: 503-235-5333

Men’s Resource Center
Phone: 503-235-3433


Reporting to the University – Title IX Office

Although it is best to make a report to the University as close in time to the incident as possible, you may make a report to the University at any time (there is no time limit on filing a report with the university).

Reports to the University can be made in the following ways:

  • Directly Contacting the Title IX Office: 
    Jill Moffitt | Title IX Coordinator
  • Submit a Report Online using the . This form includes an option for anonymous reporting.
  • Telling a Staff member or Professor
    All staff and faculty at Â鶹ӰÊÓ have a duty to report to the Title IX Coordinator any report of sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating/domestic/relationship violence or stalking.  The exception to this are the following confidential resources:

Student Counseling Center
24/7 Crisis and Support Line:  503-352-2999
Office Phone: 503-352-2191

Forest Grove Clinic: 2142 College Way
Hillsboro Clinic: 730 SE Oak Street, Ste. D

University Student Health Center
Phone: 503-352-2259

Forest Grove Clinic: 2142 College Way
Hillsboro Clinic: 730 SE Oak Street, Ste. D

Confidential Resources

Telling the following individuals will not result in a report to the Title IX Office.

Â鶹ӰÊÓ Confidential Advocacy Network

Employee Assistance Program

What Happens When You Make a Report

When you make a report to the University (either by submitting a reporting form, telling a University staff or faculty member, or reporting directly to the Title IX Office) you will be contacted via email or phone by a member of the Title IX Office who will make sure you have information regarding the resources available to you, the availability of interim supportive measures (e.g. no contact orders, assistance with academic, living and work arrangements), and information about the ways in which the University can help to address and resolve your complaint (University policies and procedures) and your rights when making a report or pursing a complaint, along with an invitation to meet with someone from the Title IX Office.

If you choose to meet with the Title IX Office, you will be able to talk about what happened, learn about ways the University can address the complaint and talk through your options to address your complaint, including not taking steps to address your complaint if you choose not to do so.  The only exception to this are issues concerning violence or the threat of violence, incidents involving a weapon or predation, or harm to you or another member of the campus community.  In such instances, the University may need to take action even if it is against your wishes in order to protect you or the campus community.

A report to the Title IX Office does not constitute a report to law enforcement.  The Title IX Office will not make a report to law enforcement unless you want us to do so.  The only exception to this is involving issues where the health and safety of a member or members of the campus community are at risk.

Your Rights

Should you experience sexual assault, sexual violence, dating or domestic violence or stalking, you have the right to:

  • Request assistance in talking to law enforcement and making a report to law enforcement or not
  • Move forward with a University process or not
  • Receive information and an explanation about University processes for resolving your complaint including your rights during those processes and a timely response to resolve your complaint
  • Receive interim supportive measures
  • Request assistance in being connected with a confidential resource
  • Request assistance in being connected to community resources
  • Be protected from acts of retaliation that occur as a result of making a report or participating in the resolution of a complaint
  • Be treated with respect and without prejudice
  • Have your report and identity be kept private.  Private means that the Title IX Office will not share information regarding your report or your identity with anyone except to individuals who are involved in the response and resolution of a complaint or when necessary to implement a supportive measure (e.g. no contact directive, change of class or work schedule).  Prior to sharing such information the Title IX Office will notify you that such information is being shared and why.
  • File a report with the Office for Civil Rights, the Department of Justice, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), or the state Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) if you believe that Â鶹ӰÊÓ has not responded to or handled your complaint in accordance with federal or state law or that the University discriminated against you in its resolution of your complaint.
    • Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
    • Department of Justice
    • Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission
    • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
    • State Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI)