In an emergency where you or someone you know is experiencing a sexual assault, call 911.
Get to a safe place when you are able and contact a friend, family member or someone else you trust.
Campus Public Safety and Law Enforcement
Campus Public Safety
Phone: 503-352-2230
Forest Grove Police Department
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: 503-629-0111
Hillsboro Police Department
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: 503-629-0111
Portland Police Department
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: 503-823-3333
Eugene Police Department
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: 541-682-5111
Recommended Steps If You Have Experienced a Sexual Assault
Preserve Physical Evidence – Immediately After an Assault
Although difficult, if possible, it is important to take the following steps when possible to preserve evidence of the assault:
Try not to shower, bathe, brush your teeth, eat, drink, smoke or urinate until you have had the opportunity to discuss your options with law enforcement or a confidential advocate immediately after the assault as these activities have the potential to eliminate any DNA or drug evidence that could potentially be found through a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE).
Save clothing that was worn, any pads/tampons, etc., at the time of the assault in paper bags. Store each item separately so they are not touching one another. DO NOT place these items in plastic bags as this may cause mold to grow and alter or destroy biological evidence.
Save all text messages, emails, phone logs, social media postings that may relate to the assault or be helpful later in reconstructing a timeline of events. Taking screenshots of these items can be helpful. If you have already deleted text messages, you might be able to recover them if it is still within your monthly billing period. Contact your service provider for information.
Write down the names of people who might have seen you immediately before or after the assault, the day, time and location of the assault and any other details you may recall from the assault as it is easy to later forget some of these details.
Medical Treatment
Whether or not you choose to make a report to law enforcement or the University, you have the right to receive medical treatment, advocacy services and a forensic exam (SAFE).
Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) – Within 84 Hours of an Assault
SAFE exams are used to collect forensic evidence that can later be used in criminal prosecution. If you want to report an assault to law enforcement, you can request a forensic exam. A report to law enforcement is not necessary to receive an exam.
Medical Services
If you decide to seek assistance outside the 84 hour window for a forensic exam, you may schedule an appointment with a medical provider to obtain medical care including preventative STI medication and/or emergency contraceptives.
Talk to a Confidential Advocate - Â鶹ӰÊÓ Confidential Advocacy Network
A Confidential Advocate is a trained professional who can help you identify resources and help you sort through your options.
Confidential Advocates
- Assist survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking
- Do not share information with University administrators, law enforcement, or any other entity unless you provide expressed written consent to having such information shared (the only exception to this are issues concerning possible child abuse, elder abuse or threats to self or others)
- Can accompany you during interviews, phone calls, line-ups, or any other proceeding, meeting, hearing that involves criminal or university reports
Community Confidential Resources
Domestic Violence Resource Center
24-Hour Crisis Line: 503-469-8620
Call to Safety (Formerly Portland Women’s Crisis Line)
24 Hour Crisis Line: 503-235-5333
Washington County Victim’s Assistance Program, District Attorney’s Office
Phone: 503-846-8671
Portland Women’s Crisis Line
Phone: 503-235-5333
Men’s Resource Center
Phone: 503-235-3433
Your Rights
Should you experience sexual assault, sexual violence, dating or domestic violence or stalking, you have the right to:
- Talk to law enforcement and report the incident to law enforcement or not. (Victims of crime may be eligible for reimbursement of expenses such as medical/counseling and loss of wages.)
- Take legal action against the accused including filing a civil or criminal complaint in court or file for a restraining order or similar lawful orders issued by criminal or civil courts
- Talk to the university Title IX office and report the incident or not
- Request the university take action to address the incident and to do so in a timely manner
- Receive interim supportive measures
- Talk with a confidential resource
- Access campus and community resources
- Do nothing and tell no one unless and until you are ready to do so
- Be treated with respect and without prejudice