Outdoor Pursuits (OP) & Voyage programs aims to foster an inclusive community through outdoor exploration focused on empowerment, education, and respect for the natural world.
The health and well-being of OP & Voyage participants and staff members are our priorities. Due to the inherent risks associated with our activities, OP programs are open to individuals who acknowledge the ability to perform the . These EEC are applicable to all OP program participants and companion caregivers. Companion caregiver is defined as an individual(s) trained to assist an OP participant with physical, emotional, or communication requirements (please see Section 2 for companion-specific EEC).
Note: If you have any general questions or concerns about our EEC, please contact us; we may be able to assist you with a reasonable accommodation unless it would fundamentally change the nature of our programs, would increase unnecessary risk to you or others, or would place an undue financial or administrative burden on Outdoor Pursuits.