
ACE Board
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ACE Board hosts and develops large-scale, fun activities to engage all students, including open mic nights, live concerts, touring performers, movies, special events, lectures, and cultural entertainment. ACE Board manages sound, lighting, and other technical services and equipment to produce these events and sponsor and guide other student groups in successful production of similar events. Student Senate funds ACE Board prominently to maintain this inventory of Student Senate-owned sound equipment and to support events that reflect the common and diverse interests of students. ACE Board meets weekly and any student is welcome to attend and contribute their ideas to make these activities happen. You may contact us at aceexec@groups.pacificu.edu for participation information.

We have positions open on our Production Team!


Open Position for 2021-22 |  

Open Mic Night Chair

Open Position for 2021-22 |  

Cultural Event Chair

Shun Wetlesen | wetl1021@pacificu.edu

Production Chair

William Best | best4589@pacificu.edu

Marketing Chair

Rylee Skidmore | skid7365@pacificu.edu

Boxer Radio Chairs

Kaileah Hawk-Lowenstein | hawk1110@pacificu.edu
Zoe Stanek | stan8265@pacificu.edu 


Pete Erschen | peterj@pacificu.edu

For more information on dates and times of events follow @ace_board on Instagram or @ACEboard on Facebook. Event sign-ups can be found at linktr.ee/ace_board