Parent ū' Committee Descriptions
After Party/Points
This committee works alongside the Food committee (in the latter part of the dinner service) to ensure the foodservice is prepped and ready for the After party. This includes, but is not limited to, working with the Food committee to reset the serving area (if needed) before the show begins.
During the event, the After Party committee is accountable for releasing heat (open doors) of Stoller during the Fire Knife performance on Friday night and Saturday night. After the show, the After party committee is ultimately responsible for controlling access to the After Party Event on Saturday night. Before the end of the ū' & ō‘i show, the committee will secure the door facing Walter Hall. Guests will need to meet specific requirements to gain admittance (details to follow).
After party committee will need to secure volunteers to set up food/beverages, food servers, and a clean-up crew after the party. Coordinates with the Senior Slideshow committee chair to plan the program if applicable. This committee functions alongside the Executive board and ū‘a & ō‘i board to have a final walk-through at the end of the party (approx at 1 am) ensuring all Bon Appetit requirements are met, all NHOH supplies, materials, and leftover food are delivered to Clark Hall storage rooms.
The committee may solicit special items (favors) for distribution on tables. May solicit musician booking (Alumni, etc). Estimated booking time: 10:30 pm -12:30 am with a 30-45 min set for 3 or so groups.
Cargo Pickup/Delivery
The cargo committee works alongside but is not limited to, the following committees to ensure preparation and needs are met on ‘a before
the event.
- Floral - separation by fauna, wash/clean, dry, pack, label and stack
- Food/Concession - packing, and labeling
- Country Store - price, pack, and label
- Donation - pack and label
Confirms arrangements and procedures are met, settles cargo inventory, inspection, and confirms the number of containers to be shipped. Organizes drivers to pick up/deliver any required goods, flowers/greenery, etc. to transport on packing day to airlines.
In Forest Grove, the cargo committee collaborates with student committee members ensuring all received items are picked up and distributed to
the appropriate areas as indicated on the labels during the week of ū‘a and ō‘i (Tues/Wed).
- Set up/help with food preparation (Thursday and Friday), cook katsu, teri beef, and noodles at Stoller Center, and is in charge of concession sales Saturday (Fried noodles, teriyaki beef, rice, katsu, macaroni salad, poke, spam musubi, shave ice, drinks, etc.).
- The concessions committee coordinates clean-up, and remaining food items are prepped and stored for the After Party.
- Gathers or solicits for costumes supplies needed, and arranges pickup, preparation or purchase.
- Sews and makes costumes as required.
Decorations (UC AND PAC)
Gathers or solicits for decorations and supplies needed, including floral boxes, arranges for pick up and preparation. Prepares and makes decorations for the ū‘a & ō‘i stage in the Stoller Center (PAC) and for the dinner tables in the University Center (UC). After the event, coordinate clean-up, and storage. On Sunday (9-12 pm), the Decoration committee works alongside 鶹Ӱ faculty/staff utilizing floral donations upcycling to the 鶹Ӱ community.
The donation committee begins to work alongside the student chairs early in the school year.
Works with all committees, Aunty Jana, state coordinator, and neighbor island coordinators to complete a comprehensive list of all donation items reflective of all committees. Solicits, purchases, and maintains an inventory of all required and donated goods, and items. Upon completion of the event, will assist in Thank You letters and complete a final inventory and accounting for NHOH records. Assists (alongside all committees) in Packing day to ensure items are appropriately packed and labeled for proper distribution in Forest Grove. Involves telephone/fax contact, soliciting, organizational and math skills, good record keeping, Excel and Word knowledge a plus, as well as letter writing.
- Gathers or solicits flowers/greenery, floral lei materials, and arranges pickup, preparation, or purchase. Works alongside decoration, Imu, food, show, and other committees as needed to ensure all floral needs are met.
- Arranges pickup and delivery to Packing Day site or coordinates with volunteers to take directly to 鶹Ӱ prior to the event. Inspect, wash, box, and label floral/greenery for airline cargo delivery.
- Conducts Haku and lei workshops in Honolulu to pre-make one week before the event.
- Works alongside decoration, Imu, food, show, and other committees in Forest Grove to ensure all floral requirements are met. In Forest Grove (Thursday and Friday) to string lei, hakus, ū‘e, tī leaf
skirts, etc., and prepare arrangements that will be sold at the Country Store. - The floral committee is responsible for set-up, assisting customers in purchasing items at PAC and UC, and packing/clean-up of unsold items.
This committee is essential for the success of the event. The committee prepares and serves all food required for the event. Preparation is done in coordination with Pacific’s Food & Beverage Company Bon Appetit. Food prep is on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (specifics included in packet). All committee members must have an Oregon Food Handlers Card. The food committee is responsible for setting up and cleaning the kitchen, this includes, but is not limited to, working with the After Party committee to reset the serving area (if needed) before the show begins.
General (Country) Store
The Country Store sells goods from Ჹɲʻ on Friday and Saturday of the ūʻ weekend. Committee members are responsible for, but not
limited to:
- Setting up the Country Store
- Assisting customers in purchasing items
- Packing/clean-up of unsold items.
No shifts will be scheduled during the dress rehearsal and during the live show so parents/family members can enjoy the performances.
- Works with the Donation committee to secure 15 stumps (3 ft high) banana stumps and 30 banana leaves for the imu.
- Work alongside Imu Student chairs for proper preparation of the pig to be placed in the pit. Including helping to dig the imu, chop wood, prep the pig, take out and prepare pig, and clean up when the imu is pau.
- The Imu committee also works alongside the Food committee for the preparation of food (Saturday AM) for the After Party. Any leftover food from the After Party will be placed into Ziploc bags and delivered to Clark Hall (Aunty Jana). All materials and supplies will be taken to the basement of Clark Hall.
- Items to leave for drying are burlap bags, tarp, rocks, shovels and these will need to be transferred on Sunday morning to the basement of Clark. Make sure to keep hands clean when handling the pig and to come with a positive attitude and ready to work!
Merchandise (T-Shirts)
The T-Shirts committee is responsible for setting up, distributing pre-orders to students, selling current inventory, running the point of sales devices, on Friday and Saturday evenings during designated times. Upon the conclusion of Lūʻau and Hōʻike, the t-shirt committee will complete an inventory of merchandise, clean up and take inventory to Clark Hall 220.
Parent Accomodations/Name Tags
This committee has many facets of Aloha from the first Welcome to answering parent questions about traveling to Oregon. The following are subcommittees of the Parent Accommodation committee.
- Welcome Committee: The committee greets guests/volunteers/‘ohana and ensures that all have completed the Covid pre-screening requirements prior to volunteer shifts as mandated by 鶹Ӱ Covid task force.
- Thursday, April 7th: MPR in the UC
- Friday, April 8th: Stoller Center
- Name Tags: Responsible for updating/creating Parent name tags for in-person meetings, and management of volunteer attendance spreadsheet.
- Assist in preparation and distribution of volunteer packets at ū‘a & ō‘i. Excel, Word, and mail merge knowledge a plus.
- Refreshments: Organize refreshments, snacks, and/or potlucks for in-person parent meetings. Store and transport paper goods to and from meetings and functions.
- This committee is responsible for the set-up & breakdown of tables for meetings to serve food/snacks and will keep an inventory of paper goods, occasionally needing to purchase paper goods.
The Transportation/Security committee secures transportation of flowers, country store items, food for concession, and other items as needed. Transportation is not limited to include transporting guests who require additional assistance on campus. The security committee is responsible for controlling access /monitoring doors to Stoller during Friday night dress rehearsal and Saturday for the main event. General assistance to all committees by moving people around or moving products from location to location. Specific course and certification required.
Senior Lei
- Works alongside lei and hairpiece committee to gather or solicit for satin lei supplies needed and arranges pickup and preparation.
- Sews and makes satin lei for graduating seniors of NHOH.
- The tickets committee is responsible for admitting ticket-holding guests into ū‘a and Hō’ike who have also received wristbands from the pre-screened Covid tents. The ticket committee will direct guests to the host/hostess for seating.