Peer Wellness Educators

Peer Health Educators

Peer Health Educators teach 2 hour Interpersonal Violence prevention workshops to all students living in student housing in the Fall and athletes in the Spring. These workshops review bystander intervention, consent, harm reduction, and Title IX resources. 

They can also choose to teach LGBTQ+ Inclusion workshops for students, staff, and faculty. 

This is an incredible opportunity to strengthen public speaking skills, step into a leadership role, and change culture on campus regarding sexual violence and LGBTQ+ inclusion. For their first year, peer educators register for a 2 credit class as compensation for their work. The second year, they are paid for their time. 

Anyone with a passion for social justice and interest in education are welcome to apply.  Time commitment is varied - During the first six weeks of school and in March/April, students can work anywhere from 2-10 hours a week, depending on how much they want to present. 

Contact v.martin@pacificu.edu for more information.


GSS 225/CIV 225: Peer Health Education for Sexual & Gender Justice | Spring

Students will learn the fundamentals of peer education theory and practice. Students explore root causes of violence against women and LGBTQIA+ populations using theoretical frameworks from queer studies, intersectional feminism, and public health. Students will then choose to facilitate workshops on healthy relationships, interpersonal violence prevention, or supporting LGBTQIA+ populations through interrupting heterosexism and cissexism in everyday life. While no prerequisites are required, students will ideally have an interest in education and facilitation. 

This is an introductory course designed to expose students to the topics of peer education and facilitation, root causes of violence against marginalized populations, and prevention and bystander intervention techniques.

 Civic Engagement credit

GSS 306: Advanced Peer Education | Fall 

This is an experiential learning course, where students get credit for delivering workshops. 

  • "Lets Talk Â鶹ӰÊÓ Sex & Pizza: Creating a Culture of Consent" Workshops in the Fall
  • Interpersonal Violence prevention Workshops for Athletics in the Spring and through-out the year
  • Supporting LGBTQIA+ Students workshops through-out the year



Contact Us

V Martin | Director of the Center for Gender Equity
503-352-2862| v.martin@pacificu.edu