The Center for Gender Equity provides educational programming to the campus and wider community on issues related to gender equity including:
- Gender Justice
- Start Smart Pay Equity program
- National Women & Girls in Sports Day
- Women's History Month
- Interpersonal Violence Awareness & Prevention
- Sex & Pizza: Creating a Culture of Consent workshop
- Cultivating Caring Communities workshop
- Consent Color Run
- LGBTQ+ Justice & Joy
- with Dr. Aimee Wodda
- Trans Day of Remembrance
- Queer Prom
- LGBTQ+ Staff and Faculty Affinity Group
- Lavender Graduation
- Queer Coalition
- Body Liberation
- Human Body Canvas
- Love Your Body Week
- Decentering Beauty from Whiteness with Justine Ang Fonte
- Reproductive Justice
- Unplanned: Implications and Considerations when Roe v Wade is overturned
- Reproductive Justice Action Team
- Are you a genre or are you privileged: an intersectional focus of mainstream pornography
Supporting LGBTQ+ Students This workshop will explore the differences between gender identity, expression, and sexual and romantic orientation, provide information on correct pronoun usage and opportunities to practice this knowledge, and give participants concrete examples of how to best support LGBTQ+ students on campus. Time needed: 60 minutes - 90 minutes
Interrupting Queer & Trans Microaggressions in the workplace This workshop will cover basic terminology, how heterosexism and cissexism shows up in laws, policies, and practice, and how to interrupt microaggressions against Queer and Trans folks. Time needed: 45 minutes to 60 minutes