Programming | Center for Gender Equity

The Center for Gender Equity provides educational programming to the campus and wider community on issues related to gender equity including:

Trainings Offered

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students                                                                                                                                                                                                        This workshop will explore the differences between gender identity, expression, and sexual and romantic orientation, provide information on correct pronoun usage and opportunities to practice this knowledge, and give participants concrete examples of how to best support LGBTQ+ students on campus. Time needed: 60 minutes - 90 minutes

Interrupting Queer & Trans Microaggressions in the workplace  This workshop will cover basic terminology, how heterosexism and cissexism shows up in laws, policies, and practice, and how to interrupt microaggressions against Queer and Trans folks. Time needed: 45 minutes to 60 minutes

What is Interpersonal Violence?
By the end of this workshop participants will be able to name the root causes and cycles of violence, describe myths and facts about sexual and domestic violence, identify relationship red flags, and know what to do if a friend or colleague discloses interpersonal violence. This presentation can be combined with Confidential Advocacy Basics and/or Trauma Informed Support for Survivors of IPV. Time needed: 60 minutes to 90 minutes
Trauma Informed Support for Survivors of Interpersonal Violence
This workshop will briefly review the neurobiology of trauma, how trauma can present after an incident (emotionally and physically), and best practices for supporting survivors. This workshop is ideal for front line staff who regularly encounter students in crisis and distress. If available, Student Counseling Center staff will co-facilitate. Time needed: 60 minutes to 90 minutes
Confidential Advocacy Basics
Learn all about CGE's Confidential Advocacy Network! We will discuss the role of confidential advocates, reporting obligations for faculty & staff, when to call advocates into a situation, Title IX resources and support advocates provide, and then some time for questions and to meet our members. Time needed: 30 minutes - 60 minutes
I'm Speaking: How Sexism Shows Up in the Workplace and Classroom
Participants will learn how to identify subtle and overt forms of sexist oppression and make a plan on how to best address it in their work or academic spaces. Time needed: 45 minutes to 60 minutes