There are many leadership opportunities on campus that offer the chance to make friends, have fun, and build valuable skills. One of the easiest ways to get involved is to express your interest to your Resident Assistant (RA). Talk with your RA about your interests and ask them where you could put your skills to good use. Residence Life staff plan social activities and educational events throughout the year and anyone is welcome to help!
Here are some specific leadership opportunities that offer involvement opportunities within the residential environment:
Resident Assistants (RAs)
RAs are full-time students who live and work in the residence halls to support students in their academic, social and personal growth. As employees of Residence Life, RAs work to build a sense of community and respect among students, help manage housing operations, and enforce University policies and community standards. They plan and promote educational and social hall events to contribute to student and community development. Carefully selected and thoroughly trained, RAs are good resources for students when they need help or support. They can assist students in connecting with many campus services and resources. Residence Life typically opens applications for new Resident Assistants in February. Talk to your RA if you are interested in applying!
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
RHA is the voice of all students in the residential community. The association is led by an executive board, and all residential students are members. The Residence Hall Association strives to improve the on-campus experience through events and programs for residents, hall facilities improvements, policy initiatives, and outreach to understand the needs of students who live in Pacific's residence halls. All residential students are welcome to connect with RHA to learn more or to voice concerns.
Student Conduct Board
Student Conduct Board members are students or staff authorized by the Student Conduct Advisor to determine whether a student has violated the Student Code and to impose sanctions when a violation has been committed. Board members are trained to understand University policy, carefully evaluate all facts for each incident, and decide on an outcome appropriate to each situation. If you are interested in serving on the Student Conduct Board, contact the Office of Student Conduct for more information on how to get involved.