For any room changes, mid-semester departures, or end-of-term moves, written approval from Campus Living is mandatory. Once you are approved, notify your RA of your check-out time within 24 hours of leaving, or as instructed. Staff won't check you out without prior approval. Questions? Email
During move-out, students must clear out personal items by the deadline, clean the room, and return keys. Charges for housing and dining continue until the move-out process is completed, with potential extra fees if they do not comply with advertised move-out deadlines and procedures.
While most students move out at the end of the spring semester, some move out early for reasons like room changes, leaves of absence, or graduating early. Students who are approved to end their contract early by Campus Living may be prorated a portion of the term of housing and meal plan, depending on their departure date. Students will not be prorated if their exit occurs within four weeks before the last day of fall or spring semester classes. Unapproved early departures won't be prorated.
All Residence Halls close at 12:00 PM Wednesday, May 15, 2024. All residents are required to vacate and check out of their rooms by this time, unless they have received a late stay approval from Campus Living. In general, students are encouraged to vacate their spaces within 24 hours of their last finals. Students are expected to report their move-out plans via an online form by May 1, 2024 (this will be emailed to residents in April). Additional move-out procedures and expectations will be advertised during high-volume move-out times, such as in May.
Check out steps
- Pick up an Key Envelope from your RA or front desk at least 24 hours in advance of your departure
- Pack up and clean your unit before turning in your Key Envelope
- When you are ready to leave, fill out the form on the envelope, place your room key(s) inside (mail keys must not be placed in this envelope; they should go directly to Mail Services), and turn the envelope in to your building's key drop box, usually located at or near the front desk
- Depart
- Check your email for any notifications regarding possible charges related to damages, cleaning or improper-check-out
- Remove all of your belongings. Remaining personal items will be considered abandoned and will be donated or disposed of.
- Students pay for keys not returned, the cost of extra custodial service to remove personal belongings or to clean the room, and to repair any damages to the facilities or provided amenities.
- All rooms are inspected after the resident vacates the room and this inspection may result in damage charges, regardless of whether the resident is present at the time of inspection. Do not try to repair any damages to your room. This could result in further repair costs.
- Follow directions from your RA, AC and the Any of the following actions shall constitute an Improper Check-Out (subject to a fine).
In-Hall Summer Storage
Storage is available on first-come, first-served basis. We anticipate storage space to fill up; once it is full, residents will need to store belongings off-campus. Storage boxes are typically available for purchase in the mailroom. The summer storage room is on Burlingham 4th floor.
- Students studying abroad for the following Fall, but returning the following Winter or Spring, may utilize long-term storage in McCormick Hall, 1st floor storage room.
- Self-service bike storage is in Gilbert Hall 1st floor bike room.
Storage Regulations
You may store 2 boxes: 23” x 18” x 18” (or similar sized box purchased from the mail room) or 1 box and 1 small refrigerator (must be thawed, dry and cleaned before storing). Materials must be packed in 2mm plastic bags and then put neatly into boxes that are shut tight and sealed. Items in storage must be properly labeled (markers, paper, and tape will be provided at storage check-in). To check your items into summer storage, Campus Living staff will be available on the 4th floor of Burlingham during designated, advertised times.
- Items are stored in the building at the resident’s risk. While the staff makes every effort to protect residents’ personal property, we cannot guarantee the security and safety of your belongings.
- Items stored may only be picked up by the resident storing them.
- Any items not picked up will be considered abandoned property and may result in shipping charges if the property must be returned.
- Information about picking-up storage items in August will be announced via email. You may not collect your items outside of the scheduled pick-up times, even if you are reporting back to campus at an earlier date for a University-sanctioned purpose.
Storage options for if you move out to study abroad in spring
If you are studying abroad for spring semester and need a place to store some items, you have one of two options:
1. Store your items in McCormick Hall (1st floor) until the following May and no longer
2. Store your items in Burlingham Hall (4th floor) until the following August and no longer
For either storing option, you can to contact the RA's on-call between 7pm and 9pm to check your items into storage.
You may ONLY store one box and one fridge, or two boxes (size guidelines can be found in the Residence Hall Handbook.) Storage space is limited and is offered on a first come, first served basis.