Welcome to our overview of the end-of-fall-semester and winter-term housing processes! As we approach the transition, it's important to stay informed and prepared. Here, you'll find everything you need to know to smoothly navigate this period.
Highlights include:
- Reporting Winter Housing Plans: Keep an eye on your inbox for a form we'll be send in November. It's essential to report your winter housing plans promptly.
- Winter Break Departure: All students must depart for winter break by December 11th, unless you're approved for winter break housing. Be sure to plan accordingly to ensure a smooth departure.
- Checklist Completion: Before you leave, make sure to complete all necessary checklist items outlined on this page. These tasks are crucial for a hassle-free transition.
Our goal is to provide you with the information and resources you need to make this transition as seamless as possible.
Key Dates
November 25, 2024: All residential students are required to report their winter/spring housing plans by completing a form that will be distributed in November. Students can apply for winter break housing through this form, and will be notified of approval in early December.
- Campus Living will provide departure instructions for students who will be withdrawing, studying abroad in winter/spring, or graduating. See Residency Requirement and Exemptions for details about housing contract requirements and release. Students who are approved to move out in or after January will continue to pay for housing and meal plan fees through their check-out date—it's not free.
December 11, 2024: Campus housing will close at at 10 a.m. for winter break. Only students who have applied for and been approved for winter break housing may remain after this time. Students who are returning to campus after winter break do not need to move out. Failure to vacate by this deadline may result in a $50 late stay fine and requirement to leave immediately. Meal services will conclude after dinner.
December 11 - December 12, 2024: University staff will enter every residential room and apartment (including those being occupied over break) starting at 10am to perform Health and Safety Inspections. To pass your inspection, you must complete the Winter Break Room Checklist below and meet the policy and safety expectations detailed in the Residence Hall Handbook.
January 1, 2025: Halls will reopen on at 12 p.m. Meal service resumes with dinner.
January 10, 2025: The spring meal plan begins. Fall meal swipes expire and Spring meal swipes are loaded onto student Boxer Cards (for those with meal plans). Declining Balance and Boxer Bucks roll over from fall. Click here for more details.
See the Campus Living calendar for more important housing dates.
Winter Break Room Checklist
Before leaving for Winter Break, you must:
- If there is an open space in your room: Make sure the space is clear for someone to move in.
- Unplug all electrical items including emptying and defrosting your personal mini-fridge.
- Get rid of any food that could spoil in your room and fridge.
- Clean any dirty dishes before leaving.
- Return any dining hall dishes to the University Center.
- Take out all garbage and recycling.
- Shut and lock windows.
- Close blinds.
- Turn off lights.
- Lock doors.
- Dispose of items in the communal fridges. If you are staying over break you must label all items with “Winter Break Housing- First and Last Name" PRIOR to December 11th. All unlabeled communal fridge items will be cleared out.
- Vandervelden Only: Set thermostat to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please note that a fine per instance may be assessed if any of the above tasks are not completed. If you've registered for winter break housing, your room will still be inspected and you're not required to be present during the inspection. You don't need to complete the checklist items, except for clearing out the unoccupied side of your double room.
Winter break housing
Winter break housing offers assistance to current residential students who need to stay in on-campus housing while the campus housing is closed for the break. Break housing may have limited capacity due to university closure and reduced staff availability during this period.
To stay in the residence halls over Winter Break, a student must:
- Be a current on-campus resident for Fall, returning for Winter and/or Spring terms.
- Maintain good university and conduct standing.
- Apply for Winter Break Housing by the deadline.
- Receive approval from Campus Living.
During winter break housing:
- Services are very limited. University offices are closed during a majority of the break.
- Campus Public Safety remains available 24/7 (503-352-2230)
- No meal service is available
- Those not approved to stay over break will not have access to their rooms or apartments. If you are approved for holiday housing, your key card will work only for your hall.
- Guests are limited in the residence halls over the Holiday Break. A guest is defined as any person who did not sign up/was approved for Holiday Housing. Only one guest will be permitted per person between the hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (no overnight guests permitted during the Holiday Break).