Scholarship and Research Development

The Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects (OSSP) is your first stop in searching for or applying for external funding. Contact OSSP if you are interested in beginning or continuing your sponsored projects career.

Proposal Development Process: Check out this on the proposal development process at Pacific.

Research/Project Planning: Here is a to help you develop your idea into a concept paper or initial research plan to guide your grant writing process and identify potential funders. 

Funding Databases: Check out these searchable funding databases.

Consultations: Pacific's faculty and staff can schedule an individual consult for personalized support on project plans and funding opportunities.

Workshops and Webinars: Contact OSSP for information on workshops, webinars, and online training on grant writing and research development. 

Career Mentoring and Scholar Networks: OSSP offers connections to mentors and scholarly networks to facilitate faculty research and scholarly inquiry. 

Academic Writing Resources: Supporting faculty in their academic writing and publishing endeavors. Find out more about these resources here. Contact OSSP for information on Pacific's Writing Group.

Funding and Sponsor News: Pacific's faculty and staff can subscribe to OSSP's research development news and sponsor updates.

To assist you in pursuing funding for scholarly activities, please refer to the links in the side bar  for information about preparing an application (Proposal Process), for management of funded applications (Award Administration), and for university information required for applications (Institutional Data For Grant Applications).

Contact: ossp@contact.pacificu.edu

Link to (in Box). 

Sponsored Projects (in Box).