Student Employment

Academic and Career Advising and Human Resources work together to help facilitate work experiences that support students on their journeys to think, care, create, and pursue justice in our world. 

If you have any questions about the content on this page:

Steps to Employment 

Supervisor Responsibilities

  1. Hire a student
    • - for students who have never worked at Pacific in any capacity before
    • - Please fill out this form for any student who is being hired for you and has already been in Paycom before. They could have been in Paycom for another University job, or for your office.
    • Note: Once the form has been filled out, HR receives the information and will start the hiring process in PayCom. Once done, the student will get an email notification to go complete the checklist which includes the I-9 verification. Students cannot be hired into PayCom unless they are recorded in one of the forms above. If you have any questions, please reach out to Catheryn Coupland at ccoupland@pacificu.edu
    • Copies of the I-9 documents must be uploaded into Paycom via the Upload File button on the Employer portion of the verification process.
    • If your student is a returner and had their I-9 completed the year prior, they do not need to complete again.
  2. Once the checklist is completed, if student will need to clock in and out, please email ccoupland@pacificu.edu and request timecard to be activated.
  3. -
    • Hours/pay should always be tracked from clocking in and out in PayCom.
    • Employment Changes

Student Responsibilities

  1. Apply for a job
    • I-9 completion:
  2. Clock in and clock out

Frequently asked questions