
Retirement Plan

鶹Ӱ recognizes the importance of providing you with ways to plan for your financial future. Your retirement plan is an important part of your overall benefits.

Employee Contributions:

Contributions - All employees can contribute to this plan up to the . The limit for 2024 is $23,000. The limit for 2025 is $23,500.Those aged 50 or above, can contribute an additional $7,500. Employees can change contribution amounts at any time. Changes are made in TIAA. .

Eligibility - Contributions toward your retirement can begin upon hire. All of our employees are welcome to participate, including our adjunct faculty and temporary employees. 

Employer Contributions:

Contributions - 鶹Ӱ contributes 9% of monthly base salary with no employee match required. The college’s contributions are immediately vested, meaning that they belong to the individual regardless of whether or not he/she continues to work at 鶹Ӱ.

Eligibility -  Regular (not adjunct) faculty or staff member, who works at least 1000 hours or more per year will be enrolled in this benefit. Employer contributions begin the 1st of the month after an employee in a benefits eligible position has completed 1 year of service. 

  • The one-year eligibility waiting period for the employer-paid non-elective contribution may be waived if the following conditions are met:

    (1)       employed for a minimum of one year at an institution of education as defined under the Internal Revenue Code: “a regular faculty and curriculum and normally have a regularly enrolled body of pupils or students in attendance where the educational activities are regularly carried on.” Examples of educational organizations include but are not limited to: Higher-Educational Institutions, Public School Districts, and trade/technical schools. 

    (2)       worked at least 1000 hours (per year) in a position that was not temporary, adjunct or student status

    (3)       during the entire twelve month period before the first day with 鶹Ӱ

  • New employees must provide proof of participation in their former employer’s retirement plan to Human Resources within the first 30 days following their official Hire Date at 鶹Ӱ. Employees are responsible for ensuring the required documentation is provided in a timely manner.

Record Keeper:

Retirement funds are held by TIAA (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association and College Retirement Equities Fund) and employees choose from among a variety of investment options. 

TIAA Account Advisors for 鶹Ӱ

Andrew Martinez

Christian Long

Helpful Links:

(to waive the one year of service)

TIAA Enrollment Instructions