Appointments and Clinic Information
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Health Clinic

All services by appointment only

Same day appointments available by calling 503-352-2269 during regular clinic hours

Forest Grove: Monday - Friday 9 AM to 4PM

Hillsboro: Tuesday and Thursday 10 AM to 5 PM

Both Clinics Closed for Lunch from 1 PM to 2 PM

Closed Major Holidays, Spring Break and Winter Break.

Contact Us

Forest Grove: 2142 College Way; Forest Grove, OR 97116

Hillsboro: 730 SE Oak Street, Suite D; Hillsboro, OR 97123

Mailing: 2043 College Way, Forest Grove OR 97116

Phone: 503-352-2269  Fax: 971-266-2953

Email: healthcenter@contact.pacificu.edu