Suspicious Package or Letter Characteristics
- Carrier–delivered; lumpy, bulging, has protrusions, lopsided, heavy sided
- Suspicious company, especially if address or label is handwritten
- Package wrapped with string or twine
- Excess postage on small packages or letters
- Any foreign writing, addresses or postage
- Handwritten notes such as “To be opened in the privacy of” “Confidential” “Your lucky day is here” or “Prize enclosed”
- Improper spelling of common names, places or titles
- Generic or incorrect titles
- Leaks, stains or protruding wires, string, tape, etc.
- Hand-delivered
- No return address or nonsensical return address
- Any letter or package arriving before or after a phone call from an unknown person asking if the item was received
Possible Bomb
If you suspect an item delivered to campus may be a bomb, and you have other indicators (e.g. a received bomb threat), please follow these steps.
- Do not move the item
- Calmly notify others in the immediate area and evacuate
- If there is fire alarm pull station in your area, do not activate it
- Call 911
- Clearly state the type of emergency to the dispatcher
- Clearly state the location of the suspicious package or letter and your name, location and telephone number
- Do not hang up until told to do so
- Call CPS and let them know 911 has been called and emergency personnel are en route
- Campus Public Safety will facilitate an evacuation of the building with assistance
- Go to the designated assembly area for your building
- Return to the area will be allowed only after there is an all-clear notification through CPS and/or building safety managers