General Preparedness

Emergency Procedures Reference Guide
(This link will redirect you to the Campus Public Safety which contains additional resources specific to safety and hazard mitigation.)


Quick reference guides for Staff, Faculty and Students.  These guides provide a snapshot for how to prepare for a variety of hazards.

Provides preparedness and response information for Faculty, Staff and Students

Provides general travel preparedness guidance for both domestic and international travel.

Classroom Safety Briefing - provides a script as guidance for conducting a classroom safety briefing.


Inclement Weather
Click on the links below to learn more about weather related impacts. 

evergreen trees on a snowy landscape 
Winter Weather
Learn how to prepare for and stay safe during winter weather.



Flooded street with a house and speed limit sign almost underwater 
Flooding can occur anytime of year and can be minor or catastrophic.




thermometer showing extreme heat with a sunny background 
Extreme Heat
Extreme heat is a period of high heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees for at least two to three days. 



palm trees blowing in high winds
High Winds

Air Quality

Natural Hazards
Click on the images below to learn more about other natural hazards that could impact our area. 

corner of a building with brick and masonry damaged by earthquake
The Pacific Northwest is part of a very active earthquake region. Although they can occur with very little warning there are things you can do to stay safe.

A variety of other hazards like flood, heavy rainfall, wildfire impacts, earthquakes and heavy snow melt can all cause landslides.

The Pacific Northwest is home to the most active volcanoes in the US. Understanding the risks and knowing what to do is more important than one might think.

Every year widlfires cause millions of dollars in damage, destroy communities, and take lives. Prevention and preparedness can save lives and aid in recovery efforts.

Technological and Man-made Disasters
Click on the images below to learn more about other human caused hazards.

Cyber Attack
Cyber attacks are malicious attempts to access or damage a computer or network system. Cyber attacks can lead to the loss of money or the theft of personal, financial and medical information. 

Active Threat
These threats often occur in confined spaces like offices and classrooms but may also occur at outdoor gatherings.  Although sometimes scary or hard to talk about, it is important to prepare and train for these events.

Civil Unrest
Peaceful protest and rallies can sometimes escalate into contentious and potentially dangerous situations.

dynamite sticks with a clock timer

Bomb Threat
Always assume a bomb threat is real.  Often intended to cause disruption to business or academic schedules these threats should be responded to immediately.

Hazardous Materials
Hazardous materials can include explosives, flammable and combustible substances, poisons and radioactive materials. Emergencies can happen during production, storage, transportation, use or disposal. You are at risk when chemicals are used unsafely or released in harmful amounts where you live, work or play.

Power Outages
Infrastructure like power, water, gas, etc. can fail.  It is important to know how to adapt until services can be restored.