What is Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)?
COOP is an effort within individual executive departments and agencies to ensure that mission critical functions can continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies, including localized acts of nature, accidents and technological or attack-related emergencies.
Successful planning requires both a university-wide plan and individual plans for operating units (departments, offices, programs, committees) that are responsible for mission critical functions. Mission critical functions are processes that are essential to ensure loss to the organization is minimized, essential services can continue, and administrative operations are resumed safely and effectively.
How do I get started writing a COOP for my individual operating unit?
The first step to develop an individual COOP is to complete a Ready State Document (RSD). The RSD is a short document that serves as a worksheet to begin the process of identifying key pieces of information that will support a larger, more robust plan going forward. A guidance document has been provided to assist with the completion of the RSD. Once the RSD has been developed it is recommended that the users walk through various scenarios to assess their readiness to manage and recovery from disruptions to their critical operations.