Budget Office

The Office of Budget Operations & Reporting is responsible for facilitating the annual budget process for the University. The Budget Office also provides financial analysis, strategic planning, reporting, and short/long term financial forecasting for the University.

For general Budget Operations questions, please contact Susan Pedersen at spedersen@pacificu.edu

Budget Timeline | 


Budget Operations Manual 

Operating Budget Flowchart (pdf)
Financial Record System (FRS) Flowchart (pdf)
General Ledger Chart of Accounts (pdf)
Budget Network System (BNS) (pdf) | BNS Flowchart (pdf)
Budget Transfers (pdf) | Please email all budget transfer requests to spedersen@pacificu.edu
Budget Adjustments (pdf)
Position Control System (PCS) (pdf)


Initiative Budget Plan Templates

Initiative Budget Plan Templates are available to Pacific employees via Box. Below is a link to the Box folder that contains the necessary Excel, Word, and PDF files to complete the 5-year budget plan proposal for new initiatives. 

If you have any questions on the Initiative process or templates, please contact Susan Pedersen at spedersen@pacificu.edu or ext. 2017.



Contact Us

Susan Pedersen | Director of Budget Operations and Reporting
503-352-2017 | spedersen@pacificu.edu
Fax: 503-352-3030

Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116