Hate Crime Resources

What is a Hate Crime?

A hate crime occurs when one person intentionally subjects another to offensive physical contact, threatens or inflicts physical injury, or threatens or causes damage to the property of another person because of their race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or disability. A hate crime may also target a person's family member (definition from the Office of the Oregon Attorney General).  

Reporting a Hate Crime

If your immediate safety is at risk, if you are witnessing violence, or if you perceive imminent harm to yourself or others, please immediately dial 911.

  • If there is no imminent harm to yourself or others and you are on campus, contact Campus Public Safety at 503-352-2230/Forest Grove or 503-352-7207/Hillsboro, Eugene Police at 541-682-5111 or Woodburn Police 503-982-2345, to report the hate crime immediately.
  • A hate crime should also be reported to local police. Campus Public Safety can assist in reporting to police. If it is an emergency situation, call 911. Many cities, including Portland, have a dedicated bias crime detective who will investigate the case. Local and county law enforcement contacts are included in the list below. Find a complete list of contacts to online.
  • Hate crimes can also be on their website.

You also have the right to report incidents to local law enforcement:

  • The Oregon State Police, non-emergency | 503-378-3720 

Local police departments can be reached at:

  • Forest Grove Police Department, Day Phone |  503-992-3260
  • Forest Grove Police Dispatch, WCCCA – 24/7 Response | 503-629-0111
  • Hillsboro Police Dispatch, WCCCA – 24/7 response | 503-629-0111
  • Eugene Police Department – 24/7 response | 541-682-5111
  • Woodburn Police Department – 24/7 response | 503-982-2345
  • Beaverton Police Dispatch, WCCCA – 24/7 response | 503-629-0111
  • Portland Police Department – 24/7 response | 503-823-3333