Optometry Continuing Education
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The College of Optometry has a strong tradition of providing continuing education programs to help doctors of optometry meet their yearly requirements for license renewal.

The College of Optometry offers an advanced online continuing education program. We are committed to offering an educational package containing the most important topics pertaining to optometry. All our online courses are COPE-accredited and available for immediate viewing.

Continuing education is also available through live programs and conferences, including those offered in destination locations such as our Island Eyes Conference in Hawai'i in January. At those programs, we feature some of the top educators in the optometric and medical professions. The doctors earn continuing education credits and enjoy enough free time after classes to enjoy the vacation locales with family and friends.

Contact Us

Miki Buckingham | Continuing Education and Events Coordinator
503-352-2985 | mikibuckingham@pacificu.edu