School of Physician Assistant Studies Program Competencies

ARC-PA defines competencies as “the medical knowledge, interpersonal, clinical and technical skills, professional behaviors, and clinical reasoning and problem-solving abilities required for PA practice...and set the tone for what is required of the PA trainee upon completion of the program.â€

Medical Knowledge (MK)

MK1: Demonstrate knowledge of basic, medical and clinical sciences to evaluate and manage patients.

Interpersonal Skills (IP)

IP1: Communicate with patients, and with other people that patients include in their healthcare, in a clear and effective manner.

IP2: Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide patient-focused and culturally-responsive healthcare.

Clinical and Technical Skills (CT)

CT1: Elicit an accurate and pertinent medical history.

CT2: Perform a physical exam relevant to the medical history and correctly interpret the findings.

CT3: Demonstrate the ability to perform procedures common to PA clinical practice safely and effectively.

Professional Behaviors (PB)

PB1: Adhere to the professional and ethical standards of the program and the PA profession.

PB2: Apply reflective practice to professional development, patient care and interprofessional relationships.

Clinical Reasoning and Problem- Solving Abilities (RS)

RS1: Order and interpret appropriate diagnostic studies to assist in the evaluation and treatment of patients.

RS2: Formulate a differential diagnosis and identify the most likely diagnosis based on medical history, physical exam and diagnostic studies.

RS3: Create a therapeutic treatment plan, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological modalities.