Interprofessional Education Concentration Contacts

Reach out to us! If you are interested in earning the concentration in Interprofessional Education, faculty contacts within each program can provide students with more information and assist in identifying interprofessional experiences.

IPE Program Contacts

School of Audiology
Jennifer Ratigan | Jennifer.Ratigan@pacificu.edu

School of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Melissa Fryer | fryer@pacificu.edu

School of Dental Hygiene Studies
Lesley Harbison | lesley.harbison@pacificu.edu

School of Healthcare Administration & Leadership
Maria Jose Rodriguez | mariarodriguez@pacificu.edu

School of Graduate Psychology

Marshall Beauchamp | mbeauchamp@pacificu.edu

School of Occupational Therapy
Sancler Andrade | sanclerandrade@pacificu.edu

College of Optometry
Michela Kenning | michela@pacificu.edu

School of Pharmacy
John Begert | john.begert@pacificu.edu

School of Physical Therapy & Athletic Training
Jeff Kawaguchi | jkawaguchi@pacificu.edu

Master of Social Work (MSW)

Lorrie Breshears | lbreshears@pacificu.edu

School of Physician Assistant Studies
Adam Churey | achurey@pacificu.edu


Concentration in IPE Course Coordinator

Maria Jose Rodriguez | mariarodriguez@pacificu.edu