Mission and Values | Global Scholars
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Group of Global Scholars students smiling for photo

The objective of the Global Scholars Program is to provide equitable access to the benefits of global learning to all students regardless of their cultural, social, or economic backgrounds.  

Global Scholars believe that there is strength in diversity. We learn to interact effectively and appropriately with people who are different from us.

Global Scholars are curious and open, empathetic, and compassionate. We allow ourselves and others to make mistakes and learn from them.

Global Scholars often come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. We join the journey of intercultural development through learned and lived experience.

Global Scholars are a work in progress. We understand that intercultural competence develops over time and with deliberate practice.

The Global Scholars Program values diversity and celebrates the contributions of people of all backgrounds, with respectful regard to their ages, ethnicities, races, colors, abilities, religions, socioeconomic statuses, cultures, sex, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

Contact Us

Jann Purdy | Chair of International Studies, Professor of French
Carnegie 101-B | 503-352-1564 | purd6219@pacificu.edu

Erica Andree | Director, Global Scholars Program
Marsh 312 | 503-352-2838 | erica.andree@pacificu.edu

Melissa Vieira | Global Scholars Advisor, Associate Director of Academic and Career Advising
AuCoin 129 | 503-352-3126 | melissav@pacificu.edu