Career Advising Appointments

Career advisors are assigned by career cluster to initiate the career advising process. We are available to meet with current students and alumni. Feel free to schedule an appointment with any of the career advisors. If you are not sure who to meet with, contact advisingcenter@pacificu.edu.

Career Clusters:

Arts, Communication & Entertainment:

Melissa Vieira | Associate Director 

Business, Finance & Logistics:

Heidi Wright | Internship Coordinator


Melissa Vieira | Associate Director 

Environment & Natural Resources:

Christine Remenih |


Life Sciences & Health:

Christine Remenih | Advantage Health Professions 

Public & Human Services, Law and Government:

Rose Dahl | Advisor and Professional Practicum Coordinator


Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM):

Rudy Sanchez | Advisor and STEM Advantage Program

Still Exploring:

Heidi Wright | Internship Coordinator

All Other Career Clusters:

Heidi Wright | Internship Coordinator