Advising for Spanish Major and Minor

Spanish Language Head: Victor Rodriguez

Note: All Spanish courses at the 100 and 200 levels are usually offered both fall and spring semesters. Courses at the 300 and 400 levels are offered intermittently. Contact Spanish Language Head for information about course scheduling. 

  Fall Spring
1st year SPAN 201 or SPAN 211 (4) SPAN 202 (4) or take SPAN 211 in Fall
2nd year SPAN 300 level (4)

SPAN 300 level (4)

and IS 311 (2)

3rd year

† Study Abroad (12)

and IS 312 (1)

SPAN 400 level (4) 

and IS 313 (1)

Capstone Option 1 Fall Spring
4th Year SPAN 490 Capstone Research (2) SPAN 491 Capstone Research 2 (2)


Capstone Option 2 Fall Winter Spring
4th Year SPAN 492 Capstone for Internship (1) SPAN 475 Internship (2) SPAN 493 Capstone for Internship 2 (1)


* Students with previous study in Spanish will enter the sequence as determined by the language placement test.

* Students who plan to study abroad must apply the previous year. Contact the Office of International Programs and follow their process and instructions.

† Students must register for 12 credits while abroad to keep full time status. However, if student study abroad for only one semester, only 8 credits of work taken in Spanish will apply towards the Spanish major. Students may take additional credits taught in English. Students should consult International Programs regarding availability of courses taught in English. Students should consult with Advising Center and/or advisors from other departments about the possibility of courses taken abroad counting towards core requirements or another major/minor.

† While only a semester of Study Abroad is required for the major, we encourage students to study abroad for a full year. If they do so, 4 credits of upper-division Spanish course requirements will be waived. The required 4 credits of 400-level Spanish coursework at Pacific may not be waived.

Δ Heritage Spanish speakers and other students who can (a) demonstrate already having met the student learning objectives of Study Abroad, (b) have Advanced Low or higher linguistic proficiency in all four skill areas (reading, listening, reading, writing), and (c) who can demonstrate unavoidable barriers to spending a full semester abroad, may petition to have an alternate plan of study substitute for the required study abroad credits. Please see Spanish Language Head for details.

Δ The STAMP Spanish proficiency test will be taken by students at the end of Span 202, 211, and by students transferring to Pacific who intend to major or minor in Spanish. Students earning at least Advanced Low in all categories of the STAMP test, may receive approval to count up to 4 credits of upper-division coursework taught in English related to the Spanish-speaking world towards the Spanish major upper-division requirements.

†2 If you wish to pursue an internship for your Spanish major capstone, you must discuss the possibility with your Spanish major advisor early in spring of junior year, but due to potential complications related to Covid-19, internships are not currently being encouraged.

Please see A&S Catalog for a full explanation of the requirements for the major in Spanish.

Minor in Spanish

Students who wish to minor in Spanish and enter the sequence at the 300-level will complete a minimum of 16 credits from upper-division offerings.

Option A

Lower Division Credits Upper Division Credits
SPAN 201 and SPAN 202 or SPAN 211 

4-5 credits of experiential corusework from the following list:

  • SPAN 325
  • SA 476 (study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country)
  • Any travel course to a Spanish-speaking country (taught in Spanish or English)
  • Any 4 credits of upper-division Spanish + 1 credit of CIV 110 Civic Engagement project related to Spanish-speaking world


  • An additional 8 credits of upper-division Spanish at Pacific. 

Option B

Lower Division Credits Upper Division Credits
SPAN 201 and SPAN 202 or SPAN 211 
  • SA 476 (Upper-division credits from SA courses taught in Spanish in Spanish speaking country) (8 credits) 


  • IS 311 (2) Must be taken before study abroad
  • IS 312 (1) Must be taken during study abroad
  • IS 313 (1) Must be taken after study abroad

* Students with previous study in Spanish will enter the sequence at the level determined by the language placement test.

Please see catalog for a full explanation of the requirements for the minor in Spanish.

REV 2020