Music Therapy Suggested Timeline

Bachelor of Music Therapy Degree

Freshman Year
Fall Cr Spring Cr
MUS 100 Recital Attendance 0 MUS 100 Recital Attendance 0
Ensemble 0-1 Ensemble 0-1
MUS 111 Music Theory I 4 MUS 112 Music Theory II 4
MUS 185 Functional Piano I 1 MUS 186 Functional Piano II 1
MUSL 171 Applied Music (lesson) 1 MUS 187 Class Guitar I 1
MT 190 Intro to Music Therapy 2 MUSL 172 Applied Music (lesson) 1
Total 8-9 MT 290 Clinical Processes I 2
    Total 9-10
Other suggested or required courses for the second year of study in music therapy include:
HUM 100 Origins, Identity, & Meaning 4 Language (or, core/elective) 4
Language (or, core/elective) 4 PSY 150 Intro to Psychology 4


Sophomore Year
Fall Cr Spring Cr
MUS 100 Recital Attendance 0 MUS 100 Recital Attendance 0
Ensemble 0-1 Ensemble 0-1
MUS 182 Class Voice II 1 MUS 212 Music Theory IV 4
MUS 188 Class Guitar II 1 MUS 221 Music Survey II 4
MUS 211 Music Theory III 4 MUSL 272 Applied Music (lesson) 1
MUS 220W Music Survey I 4 MT 294 Practicum 1 1
MUSL 271 Applied Music (lesson) 1 Comprehensive Jury Exam 0
Functional Skills Exam 1* 0 Total 6-7
Total 11-12    
Other suggested or required courses for the second year of study in music therapy include:
HBIO 110 or HBIO 230 4 PSY 211 Abnormal Psych 4
    ENGW 180 (or, core/elective) 4

* Functional Skills Exam 1 must be passed before traditional four-year students begin Practicum 1 and before transfer students begin Practicum 2

Junior Year
Fall Cr Spring Cr
MUS 100 Recital Attendance 0 MUS 100 Recital Attendance 0
Ensemble (upper division) 0-1 Ensemble (upper division) 0-1
MUS 131 MIDI Lab 1 MUSL 372 Applied Music (lesson) 1
MUS 236 Percussion 1 MT 394 Practicum 3 1
MUS 282 Basics of Conducting 2 MT 493W Research in Music Therapy 4
MUSL 371 Applied Music (lesson) 1 Total 6-7
MT 296 Practicum 2 1    
MT 491 Psychology of Music 4    
Total 10-11    
Other suggested or required courses for the second year of study in music therapy include:
SOC 301 4 PHIL 202 or PHIL 307 4
    SOCW 325 Counseling Techniques 4


Senior Year
Fall Cr Spring Cr
MUS 100 Recital Attendance 0 MUS 100 Recital Attendance 0
Ensemble (upper division) 0-1 Ensemble (upper division) 0-1
MUSL Guitar/Piano/Voice Lessons .5-1 MUS 495 Music Capstone 2
MT 391 Theory/Pract with Children 2 MUSL Guitar/Piano/Voice Lessons .5-1
MT 396 Practicum 4 1 MT 392 Theory/Pract with Adults 2
MT 494 Clin/Prof Issues in MT 1 MT 396 Practicum 4 (repeat for credit) 1
MT 496 Improv and Songwriting 2 Total 6.5-7
Total 7.5-8    
Other suggested or required courses for the second year of study in music therapy include:
Core or Elective 2 Core or Elective 2
Core or Elective 4 Core or Elective 4
Year Five (Internship)
Fall or Spring (NOT BOTH) Credits
MT 499 Clinical Internship 2

Transfer Students and Students Switching to Music Therapy

Below is a suggested course sequence for music therapy-specific courses (MT prefix) for transfer students looking to complete their degree requirements in fewer than four years. Students should consult with their academic advisor when planning their academic sequence.

Fall of Year 1

Introduction to Music Therapy (MT 190)

Psychology of Music (MT 491)

Functional Piano I (MUS 185)

Percussion Techniques (MUS 236, offered alternating Fall Semesters)


Spring of Year 1

Clinical Processes in Music Therapy 1 (MT 290)

Music Therapy Practicum 1 (MT 294)

Functional Piano II (MUS 186)

Class Guitar I (MUS 187)

Functional Skills Exam 1* (must pass before moving to MT 296)


Fall of Year 2

Class Voice II (MUS 182)

Music Therapy Practicum 2 (MT 296)

Theory and Practice with Children (MT 391)

Improv & Songwriting for Music Therapy (MT 496)

Class Guitar II (MUS 188)


Spring of Year 2

Clinical Processes in Music Therapy 2 (MT 390)

Theory and Practice with Adults (MT 392)

Music Therapy Practicum 3 (MT 394)

Research in Music Therapy (MT 493)


Fall of Year 3

Music Therapy Practicum 4 (MT 396)

Clinical/Professional Issues in Music Therapy (MT 494)

Capstone (MUS 495)


Spring of Year 3

Clinical Internship (MT 499)

Functional Music Skills Information for Transfer Students

Transfer students attempting to complete music therapy coursework in four semesters are highly encouraged to enter the program with experience on voice, piano, and guitar. While transfer students are expected to pass all skills on the Music Therapy Functional Skills checklist, they are allowed to enroll in Practicum Level 1 (MT 294) before fully passing the subset of skills in Functional Skills Exam 1. Transfer students must demonstrate pass Functional Skills Exam 1 before enrolling in Practicum Level 2 (MT 296). 

Lessons for Music Therapy Majors

Music therapy majors are required to reach the MUS 372 level (include a level-change) on their primary instrument. Traditional four-year students reach this level at the end of their third year. Transfer students will be placed at the appropriate level of study by a faculty member of their primary instrument during their first semester in the program. After successfully completing MUS 372, music therapy majors may elect to use their remaining 2 credits of lessons to study one or more of the clinical instruments (i.e., piano, guitar, voice, percussion). Students have the option of combining half hour lessons in their primary and/or any of the clinical instruments listed above. Music therapy majors are encouraged to take .5 credits (i.e., a half hour lesson) on each of the clinical instruments before beginning internship.