
Comparative Religion Minor | Academic Advising Handbook

Comparative Religion is housed in the Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, Law and Society Department. The department offers the following majors and minors:

  • Major in Sociology
  • Major in Anthropology
  • Major in Criminal Justice, Law, and Society
  • Minor in Sociology
  • Minor in Anthropology
  • Minor in Comparative Religion

Students interested in completing a minor in comparative religion should speak with any faculty member in the department. The Comparative Religion minor must complete the following courses with a grade of “C-” or better and maintain a 2.0 average in the minor.

Four courses from the following cluster (15-16):

  • Mus/Rel 341 Music in World Religions
  • Rel/Anth 140 Introduction to Comparative Religion
  • Rel/Anth 240 Topics in Comparative Religion
  • Phil 309 Philosophy of Religion

One additional course from the following cluster of electives (additional options to satisfy electives by department approval) (4):

  • ANTH/SOC 313 Religious Cultures
  • Rel 110 Religion and the Quest for Meaning
  • Phil 206 Medieval Philosophy
  • Arthi 270 Western Art I
  • Arthi 271 Western Art II

Total credits in minor: 19-20

Rev 2019