Most transferring students interested in art will have taken at least a few studio courses prior to their arrival at Pacific. These will generally transfer in as Foundations or Studio II so it is likely that students will need to take a Studio I course. Design for Aesthetics is generally equivalent to Basic or 2d design at other institutions but Design for Function and Design for Sustainability are somewhat unique to Pacific so design track students will likely need to take those here. Systems Thinking is another course that is unlikely to be found elsewhere. It is generally offered in the spring.
While Global Art History is equivalent to many intro art history courses, ARTST 372W will need to be taken at Pacific. It is offered in the fall of alternating years so it is important to check to see if it is being offered in the entering year, as it will not be available the following year if that is the case.
While the Foundations and Studio I/II courses can be fitted in as needed, it is important to start the 2-year series of Studio III/Seminar and Studio IV/Seminar upon entering, as it will be very difficult to backtrack this sequence if parts are missed in the semesters they are offered.
Fine Art Track Transfer Schedule
Year I, Fall | |
4 | |
Any remaining Foundations, Studio I or II, or Art History | |
Year I, Spring | |
ARTST 321 Studio III: Concepts | 4 |
ARTST 372 Interdisciplinary Design Seminar | 2 |
Any remaining Foundations, Studio I or II, or Art History | |
Year II , Fall | |
ARTST 421 Studio IV: Capstone I | 2 |
Any remaining Foundations, Studio I or II, or Art History | |
Year II , Spring | |
ARTST 422 Seminar II | 2 |
ARTST 423 Studio IV: Capstone II | 2 |
Any remaining Foundations, Studio I or II, or Art History |
Design Track Transfer Schedule
Year I, Fall | |
4 | |
Any remaining Foundations, Studio I or II, Art History, Leadership or Internship courses | |
Year I, Spring | |
ARTST 321Interdisciplinary Design Studio | 4 |
ARTST 372 Interdisciplinary Design Seminar | 2 |
Any remaining Foundations, Studio I or II, Art History, Leadership or Internship courses | |
Year II , Fall | |
ARTST 421 Studio IV: Capstone I | 2 |
Any remaining Foundations, Studio I or II, Art History, Leadership or Internship courses | |
Year II , Spring | |
ARTST 422 Seminar II | 2 |
ARTST 423 Studio IV: Capstone II | 2 |
Any remaining Foundations, Studio I or II, Art History, Leadership or Internship courses |