The studio art major offers a BA in Fine Arts. Our program gives students opportunities for creative expression and experience with practicing the creative thinking process, building technical skills with specific media, practicing project management, and communicating through both visual and verbal formats. Clear visualization, intelligent planning, effective problem solving, and skillful implementation are transferable skills critical to many careers. We encourage connections between art and other disciplines.
Advising Tips
Non-Majors and Core Requirements (APCP)
- All 100 and 200 level Art Courses have the Artistic Practice and Creative Process designation
- Civic Engagement Courses (CE)
- ARTST 122 and 222 have the Civic Engagement designation
- Sustainability Courses (SU)
- ARTST 123 and 223 have the Sustainability designation
This is the general course number for all the specialty studios (painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, jewelry, photography) Students should check the title descriptions carefully for the specific specialty AND press the link for the course page. On the generic course page is a link to the most current description of what the instructor is offering for that section.
Foundations for Majors and Minors
The following courses are considered foundation courses and should ideally be taken by the end of the sophomore year.
Fine Arts Majors should take 4-6 of the following courses by the end of sophomore year:
- ARTST 121/122/123 Studio I: The Creative Process
- ARTST 206 Image Design
- ARTST 208 Object Design
- ARTST 210 Drawing
- ARTHI 270 Global Perspectives in Art I
- ARTHI 271 Global Perspectives in Art II
Fine Art Minors should take 2 of the following by the end of sophomore year:
- Or
- Or
Study Abroad
For students taking advantage of the opportunity to study abroad, it is recommended to travel in the fall of the junior year, as the required studio/seminar courses are only offered in spring semester. Study abroad needs to be coordinated with ARTHI 372 Contemporary art, as 372 is offered in fall alternate years and should be taken in the jr or sr year.
Annual Class Planning Guide
This planning guide shows the predicted offerings for certain courses in this major’s discipline. Use this guide to help you think about future terms. For a list of classes currently offered and how they fulfill core requirements, please see BoxerOnline and cross-reference this page as needed. Meet with your advisor and/or reach out to the department if you have questions.
Course number | Course name | F | W | S | Frequency |
ARTST 121 | Studio I: The Creative Process | X | X | X | Topics vary |
ARTST 122 | Studio I CE: The Creative Process | Topics vary | |||
ARTST 123 | Studio I SU: The Creative Process | Topics vary, offered occasionally | |||
ARTST 201 | Material Science for Makers | Topics vary, offered occasionally | |||
ARTST 206 | Image Design | X | |||
ARTST 208 | Object Design | X | |||
ARTST 210 | Drawing | X | X | ||
ARTST 221 | Studio II: Technique | X | X | X | Topics vary |
ARTST 222 | Studio II CE: Technique | Topics vary, offered occasionally | |||
ARTST 223 | Studio II SU: Technique | Topics vary, offered occasionally | |||
ARTST 321 | Studio III: Concepts | x | |||
ARTST 354 | Elliott Visiting Artist | ||||
ARTST 370 | Interdisciplinary Design Studio | x | |||
ARTST 372 | Interdisciplinary Seminar | x | |||
ARTST 421 | Studio IV: Capstone I | x | |||
ARTST 422 | Senior Seminar | x | |||
ARTST 423 | Studio IV: Capstone II | x |