Adult Track Ambassadors

Cassandra Chapman

3rd Year | PsyD Program | Adult Track

Email | cchapman@pacificu.edu

UnderÂ鶹ӰÊÓ Institution | Washington State University

Hometown | Auburn, WA

Why I chose Pacific | I chose Â鶹ӰÊÓ because of the opportunity to be on the Adult Track track working with the guidance of a sport psychologist. I have my master's in sport and performance psychology and knew coming into a doctoral program that that was the population I wanted to work with. Not only does Pacific have opportunities in that realm, I also have the chance to broaden my skills with more diverse populations and collaborate with classmates in different emphases which will prepare me to be a competitive candidate for practicum and internship. Additionally, it was important for me to be close to home while not being too close to home. I've always loved everything the Pacific Northwest has to offer (mountains to the east, coast to the west) and Pacific being close to a big city while not being directly in it has been great for exploring! 

Favorite thing about the program | Being able to work with and focus on the population I want to work with. I made sure I would be able to do this on the front end of the application process by contacting faculty and having the conversation so I've been delighted to see that come to fruition. Even my dissertation is focused on that population so it's nice to be passionate about what I'm researching and it helps all of the work that goes into a Â鶹ӰÊÓ program feel a little less like work. 

Favorite PsyD course | Substance Use - Lifespan. I enjoyed this course because it's the first deep dive I've gotten into substance use throughout my time in Â鶹ӰÊÓ school. We spent time focusing on different substances, learning how they work in our systems, reading case studies of clients who use substances and the effects on their support systems, and attending a support group (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, 12-step, etc.) of our choice to see what clients are experiencing in those groups. I also appreciated that the class was split in half in terms of lecture and in-class work. We met for 1.5-2 hours each week in-person to have discussions and ask questions. Then, we did the lecture asynchronously on our own time throughout the week. I'm not sure if the class will always be taught this way but I found it much easier to stay engaged while in class and it gave us flexibility to get the lecture done when we had the time and in whatever fashion fit our learning style.  

Tips for getting observation hours/exposure to psychology | The best advice I can give is that if you're still in school, reaching out to faculty members within the psychology department and seeing what they're doing in the community. While I was in undergrad, I was able to become a Research Assistant with a PhD student and get some research experience that way but also hear about the work that he's done. I didn't have any exposure to conducting therapy before applying to Â鶹ӰÊÓ programs the first time around. I went and got my master's (in sport and performance psychology) first, which gave me two years of doing performance work with a range of ages and sports and that really boosted my application for a doctoral program. It can be really difficult to observe any therapy because as a whole the field is very private (as is necessary), so getting your foot in the door in any way is better than nothing.

Career goal | Sport psychologist based in collegiate athletics and working with Team USA Olympic/Paralympic athletes

Hobbies | I love getting outside and exploring the Pacific Northwest. There are some beautiful hikes, especially if you're willing to drive a little ways out. I'm really interested in anything that keeps me active and gives me a chance to take a break from school stuff. In my down time, I'm catching up on shows/movies that have been on my watchlist for way too long and starting to read for fun again now that there's a little more time in my class schedule. And if you couldn't guess, I'm always down for anything sports related, whether it's going to sporting events, watching them on tv, or attempting to play them. 

Rhett Flandro

3rd Year | PsyD Program | Adult Track

Email | flan0229@pacificu.edu

UnderÂ鶹ӰÊÓ Institution | Utah State University & Southern Utah University

Hometown | Logan, UT

Why I chose Pacific | I wanted a school in the Western US that had a good track record and could set me up for a future in psychology with a lot of opportunities for clinical practice. One of the main features that I looked for when applying to schools was the percentage of students who were accepted into full-time practicum sites for their final year. The fact that Pacific had a 95% acceptance rate into those sites helped me know that the training at Pacific is sufficient to be competitive in the job market made it a no-brainer to apply.

Favorite thing about the program | I like that the expectations are clear in the program but there is plenty of room for flexibility if needed. The faculty want you to succeed and are willing to provide extra space to help you achieve your goals.

Favorite Course | Clinical Foundations I. It was with a lot of members of my cohort and was a great place to get to know each other. It was a class used to get us used to the DSM-5 and the different criteria that need to be met for each diagnosis. There was a lot of space for discussion and made the DSM-5 feel a bit less overwhelming. I look back to my notes from that class frequently when I have questions about certain diagnoses.

Tips for getting observation hours/exposure to psychology | Before applying for PsyD programs, I took time working as an ABA technician, and doing ABA was great for getting client hours. I also worked in an office setting for a community clinic doing a lot of administrative work for 8 therapists. Eventually, I was able to shadow them and pick their brains about therapy and clients. My experience is that it is hard to just email or call up random psychologists or clinicians and get psychology opportunities, so work close to them and opportunities will present themselves.

Career goals | I am still figuring out what I want to do with my career. I imagine I will work at a community clinic at the start of my career but will eventually join a group practice. Private practice is also an option but I would want more experience before going at it alone. What’s nice about this degree is that it is so flexible that you can do just about whatever you want in the field!

Hobbies | Haha I have a one-year-old daughter that keeps my wife and me busy most of the time. When I am not hanging out with my family, I take time to play hockey at one of the two ice rinks in the area. There are also so many golf courses around campus that make it easy to get in 9-holes or just spend some time at the driving range. I try to hit the gym 3-4 times per week to keep my body and mind working right, too. If I don’t want to go anywhere, I spend my time in the kitchen. I always tell my wife that when we have our lives figured out, I want to go to culinary school and I’ll cook every day! Whether that happens or not is a mystery but I loooove cooking and learning about food.

Carrie Anne Jones

3rd Year | PsyD Program | Adult Track

Email | cajones@pacificu.edu

UnderÂ鶹ӰÊÓ Institution | Whitman College

Hometown|| Portland, OR

Why I chose Pacific | I chose Â鶹ӰÊÓ for a number of reasons, but a huge part of my decision was the community I saw within the school when I was interviewing. Pacific emphasized the community built within cohorts, emphases, and between students and faculty. I knew I wanted to study in a supportive environment, and Pacific has really provided that for me. I was also drawn to Pacific's dedication to diversity and inclusion, and the diverse interests of the faculty. Not only have I begun to learn about the variety of topics encompassed in clinical psychology, but also how to approach these topics from multiple points of view and how to consider individual identities through the lens of psychology. Plus, it's been great being able to stay in the Pacific Northwest!

Favorite thing about the program | My favorite thing about the program is the support within my cohort. Everyone is so supportive when it comes to studying together, sharing resources, and just lending some encouragement! 

Favorite PsyD Course | One of my favorite courses that I have taken so far is LGBTQ+ Psychology. As someone who plans on working primarily with the LGBTQ+ community after graduation, I was very excited to see that Pacific offered a course specific to this topic! I appreciated how this course focused on discussing not just the specific struggles faced by the Queer community, but also approached topics of intersectionality and how the intersections of various identities may affect minority stress.

Career goal | My ultimate career goal is to open a private or group practice and to work with LGBTQ+ individuals, complex trauma patients, and provide assessments/evaluations. 

Tips for getting observation hours/exposure to psychology |Be open to experiences even if they don't exactly align with your ultimate goals! This can introduce you to paths you hadn't considered, or help you confirm what you already think you don't want to do. At the end of the day, it can never hurt to get new perspectives and experiences :)

Hobbies | I love art, so when I'm not at school I'm usually working on a painting or playing piano! I can also regularly be found exploring the city, attempting to find the most authentic ramen in Portland, and (objectively terribly) singing karaoke. Even as a Portland native, I'm still always finding new little gems in the city! At the end of a long day, I like to curl up and read with my cats, binge-watch my favorite TV shows, and listen to my favorite podcasts (if you're a fan of psychological horror check out Knifepoint Horror - it's my favorite!).

Kelsey Travis

3rd Year | PsyD Program | Adult Track

Email | trav8576@pacificu.edu

UnderÂ鶹ӰÊÓ Institution | The Ohio State University

Hometown | Delware, OH

Why I chose Pacific | I Chose Â鶹ӰÊÓ because of the flexibility it offered me in exploring my clinical interests. I started as an Adult emphasis student, but have been able to pursue neuropsychology on the side through the various neuropsychological electives open to all students. These courses and clinical experiences have helped me gain experience in each field, making me a more competitive candidate for my future career goals of working with the VA or active duty military. I also really enjoy the Interprofessional opportunities Pacific provides, such as the Interprofessional Education Concentration and the various College of Health Professions electives offered to allow students to gain more experience working with other disciplines. 

Favorite thing about the program | The opportunity to take classes from other tracks and interprofessional courses to diversify my knowledge base and experiences. 

Favorite PsyD course | Biological and Cognitive Bases of Behavior, while this is a controversial opinion, I am someone who really enjoys learning about anatomy and the way our physical health and mental health are intertwined. I think this class is difficult but absolutely foundational to our work as psychologists. In order to understand the symptomology our patients experience it is crucial to have an understanding of how and why brains work the way they do.  

Tips for getting observation hours/exposure to psychology | The IP is Best Program offers the opportunity to get specialized training and 8 hours of clinical shadowing of behavioral health and substance use providers. Outside of this program I did not personally have to get observation hours, but I would recommend not being afraid to put yourself out there and reach out to Pacific providers and other community clinics to introduce yourself and see if opportunities are available. You will never know if you don't try! 

Career goals | I aspire to be a clinical psychologist with a specialty in trauma, substance use and SPMI. I have a special interest in working with military and veteran communities and hope to work with/for the VA in postdoc. 

Hobbies | Outside of school, I really enjoy spending time with my dog exploring the PNW! Being under 2 hours from the coast and surrounded by hundreds of hikes/trails has been incredible. I also enjoy playing soccer and weight lifting in my free time.