HALIFAX - A woman convicted of murdering Loretta Saunders is asking Nova Scotia's highest court to appoint a lawyer to handle her appeal.

Victoria Henneberry represented herself in Nova Scotia's Court of Appeal on Thursday.

Henneberry pleaded guilty in April 2015 to second-degree murder in the Halifax slaying of Saunders, a young Inuit woman from Labrador whose body was found beside a New Brunswick highway in February 2014.

Henneberry was sentenced to life in prison with no eligibility for parole for 10 years while her boyfriend Blake Leggette was sentenced to a mandatory life sentence with no parole eligibility for 25 years.

Henneberry missed a 30-day deadline to file an appeal of her conviction, but last July was allowed to file a late application.

In handwritten documents filed with the court, Henneberry says her conviction should be overturned and a new trial ordered on the grounds that she panicked when entering her plea.