Toronto Mayor John Tory says municipalities across Ontario have offered to help handle the influx of asylum seekers that has caused a housing crisis in the city.

Tory is meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this morning to discuss the issue as well as Toronto's escalating gun violence.

Tory says many mayors in the province have told him they have jobs available for refugee claimants and asylum seekers.

Trudeau says he will support Toronto's efforts to help refugees and to combat the gun and gang violence that is currently gripping the city.

The prime minister arrived in Toronto yesterday to meet with Ontario's newly elected premier, Doug Ford,

Earlier yesterday, Ford said the prime minister had put a strain on local and provincial services by encouraging asylum seekers to come to Canada illegally, and that Trudeau's government should foot 100 per cent of the bill for resettling the newcomers.

Trudeau said after the meeting that he'd explained to Ford how the asylum-seeking system works and what Canada's obligations are.

Tory has said all three levels of government must work together to address local gun crime, after a string of shootings left three people dead and at least eight injured over the past week.

The mayor spoke to federal Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale on Tuesday about ways their respective governments could co-operate on the issue.

A spokesperson for Goodale said the threat to public feelings of safety is a "deep concern."