1977: Khadr family emigrates from Egypt, settles in southern Ontario

1985: Patriarch Ahmen Said Khadr moves to Pakistan at the height of the Soviet war in Afghanistan, meets Osama bin Laden.

Sept. 19 1986: Omar Khadr is born in Ontario.

1986: The Khadr family moves back to Pakistan, where Ahmed Said Khadr works for an organization financed partly by the Canadian International Development Agency

1995: Ahmed Said Khadr is arrested for his alleged role in the bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad. He is later released after Jean Chretien intervenes on his behalf.

1996: Family returns to Canada, but later moves to Jalabad in Taliban-controlled eastern Afghanistan, where they live in Osama bin Laden鈥檚 camp.

1996: Omar and his brothers are taken to meet al Qaeda leaders for training at the age of 10. The family makes annual trips to Canada to raise money and collect supplies.

Sept. 11, 2001: Terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

June 2002: After training on AK-47s, Soviet PKs and rocket-propelled grenades, Khadr, 15, works as a translator for al Qaeda and conducts a surveillance mission.

Oct. 2001: Ahmed Said Khadr is named on a list of suspected terrorists wanted by the FBI.

Injured and Captured

July 2002: According to statements of fact later read at his trial, Omar Khadr throws a Russian-made F1 grenade from behind the wall of a compound in Afghanistan. The grenade kills U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Speer.

He is captured by the U.S. military after its forces bomb the compound. The teen is severely wounded, and as a result, loses sight in one eye.

Oct. 2002: At age of 16, Khadr is transferred to Guantanamo Bay. Later, lawyers will argue that Khadr was not afforded special safeguards and care, including legal protections appropriate to the age of "child soldiers."

Oct. 2003: Omar鈥檚 father is killed by Pakistani forces.

Feb. 2003: CSIS officials first interrogate the young Khadr. According to legal documents, he is not provided access to legal counsel until November 2004.

Nov. 2003: Abdurahman Khadr, Omar Khadr鈥檚 younger brother, returns to Toronto after being released from Guantanamo Bay in July. He tells media he travelled and co-operated with U.S. intelligence services in the months between his release and return to Canada.

Legal battles and charges

March 2004: Khadr's grandmother, Fatmah Elsamnah, launches lawsuit against the Department of Foreign Affairs, alleging Ottawa failed to protect her grandson's rights as a Canadian. Elsamnah later launches a similar suit against U.S. authorities.

Sept. 2004: Khadr deemed "enemy combatant鈥 by Combat Status Review Tribunal.

Aug. 2005: A Federal Court judge says Canadian agencies, including CSIS, are violating Khadr's Charter rights by turning information gleaned in interviews over to U.S. investigators.

Nov. 2005: After an Executive Order establishing military commissions, the U.S. government charges Omar with murder, attempted murder, conspiracy, and aiding the enemy.

Dec. 2005: Khadr's eldest brother, Abdullah, is arrested in Toronto for allegedly acting as an al Qaeda go-between and supplying explosives.

June 2006: The U.S. Supreme Court invalidates the military commissions system and charges are dropped. Omar is recharged under the new system established by the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

July 2007: Military Commission dismisses charges against Khadr for lack of jurisdiction. Two months later, Court of Military Commissions Review (CMCR) reverses Military Commission ruling.

March 2008: Khadr alleges he was threatened with rape and violence by interrogators seeking to extract a confession.

May 2008: The Supreme Court of Canada concludes Canadian officials illegally shared information about Khadr with the U.S.

July 2008: Khadr's defence counsel releases video of Khadr being interrogated by CSIS officials in 2003.

April 2009: A Federal Court judge orders the Canadian government seek Khadr's return, finding it has failed to ensure his treatment complied with international human rights norms. Ruling is overturned on appeal.

Aug. 2009: Canada's Federal Court of Appeal upholds ruling that requires the Canadian government to press for Khadr's return from Guantanamo Bay.

Jan. 2010: The Supreme Court of Canada rules Canada has violated Khadr's Charter rights by participating in illegal interrogation methods. It says the federal government must be given a chance to rectify Khadr's plight.

April 2010: Khadr's defence team rejects a plea-bargain offer from U.S. military prosecutors that would have forced him to serve his sentence in a U.S. prison.

July 2010: Khadr tries to fire his three American lawyers, including a court-appointed military lawyer, saying he has no chance at a fair trial. A judge later refuses to allow it.

Oct. 2010: Khadr trial begins at Guatanamo Bay. Now 23, he faces five war crimes charges, including one in the murder of Special Forces Sergeant First Class Speer.

Khadr pleads guilty to five war-crimes charges, as part of a deal that guaranteed he would serve no more than eight years in prison, and would be eligible for transfer to a Canadian prison after serving 12 months of his sentence.

May 2011: Khadr's lawyers lose an appeal to have the sentence cut in half.

April 2012: U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta signs off on Khadr's transfer. Ottawa receives an application from Khadr officially requesting a transfer to Canada from Guantanamo Bay.

July 2012: Lawyers file a notice of application in the Federal Court to ask it to review why Canada was delaying Khadr's repatriation.

Sept. 2012: Khadr is flown from Guantanamo Bay to Canadian Forces Base Trenton, where he is handed over to Canadian authorities.

May 2013: Khadr is transferred to a maximum-security prison in Edmonton after an inmate threatens his life at an Ontario penitentiary.

Sept. 2013: A 27-year-old Khadr makes his first public appearance in more than a decade at an Edmonton courtroom as lawyers argue for his transfer from a federal maximum security prison to a provincial facility. The transfer is denied.

Feb. 2014: Khadr is transferred to a medium-security prison in Alberta.

Mar. 2014: Khadr undergoes shoulder surgery at the University of Alberta hospital; after discharge, he is temporarily transferred to a Saskatoon hospital to recuperate.

April 2014: Khadr turns to Alberta鈥檚 Court of Appeal to argue that his eight-year prison term should be recognized as a youth rather than adult sentence.

May 2014: The widows of U.S. special forces soldier Sgt. Christopher Speer and Sgt. Layne Morris sue Khadr for $50 million, alleging the then-teen was responsible for the 2002 death of Speer and for Morris鈥 injuries.

March 26, 2015: Khadr asks for bail pending outcome of his appeal in the United States of his conviction for war crimes.

April 24, 2015: An Alberta judge grants Khadr bail, saying keeping him behind bars while he appeals his American war crimes convictions would not be in the public interest.