The devastating wildfires in Fort McMurray, Alta., have prompted an outpouring of support for affected residents from across the country.

If you would like to contribute to the disaster response efforts, here are some ways to help:

Donate money. The Red Cross is co-ordinating relief efforts on the ground and accepting monetary contributions. You can donate by visiting the , calling 1-800-418-1111, or texting the word 鈥淩EDCROSS鈥 to 30333 to make a $5 donation.

The and have both announced they will match all donations to the Red Cross to assist those displaced by the wildfires.

Provide lodging. Facebook users have launched an , where evacuees can be directed to a site called to find lodging being offered by other Alberta residents. (It advises that all evacuees register with the Red Cross first to confirm they are safe, at 1-888-350-6070)

Airbnb hosts can offer their spaces to evacuees for free by using the . Airbnb says all its service fees will be waived for those affected by the disaster checking in until May 21, 2016.

Offer supplies. The is a charity that regularly offers services to victims of fire and disaster get basic supplies such as household necessities. They are currently seeking: new pillows, blankets, towels,

The Edmonton Food Bank is also accepting donations, but asks that donors call or email to check what is needed. Their current needs are: toilet paper, toiletries, baby food and formula, juice boxes and water, snack bars and more.

Volunteer. If you are in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo or planning to be there soon, you can who are helping out in the area.

The Facebook group is also seeking volunteers who can offer temporary shelter to pets.