Summer isn't even officially over, so most of us hope means that snow won't be turning up for a couple more months.

So while this Wednesday was simply just a day of the week for most Canadians, for people in British Columbia and northern Alberta, it marked the death of autumn—before it technically began.

Despite Environment Canada issuing plenty of for the next several days for B.C. and central and northern Alberta, it was still hard to fathom that fall was essentially cancelled. With some public statements warning of 10 and 15 centimetres of snowfall, it's fair to say that winter is here. As of Thursday, snowfall warnings are still in effect for Banff and Jasper National park areas in Alberta.

Some Canadians in western Canada took to social media to voice that they didn’t ask for any snow. A decent amount of people in Grande Prairie, Alta. said how they weren't ready:


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People were not thrilled to be thinking about Disney's "Frozen" all the way in September:


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Plenty of trees weren't give the courtesy to shed their leaves before being pelted with snow...


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Others were much too happy about winter coming uninvited:


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In Slave Lake, Alta., white powder covered way too much for people.

Just look at all that deck furniture... just taken out of commission until next year.


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Out in B.C., some webcams caught some of the flurries in the past several days.