Indoor Climbing #2 | Outdoor Pursuits

If climbing dirty boulders outside in the cold doesn't appeal to you, why not try indoor rock climbing for a change? Join Outdoor Pursuits instructors and Pacific students for a night of indoor adventuring at a local indoor climbing gym! This indoor excursion will certainly be warmer and dryer, plus just as much fun, as a day out on the rocks! Climbers of ALL experience levels are encouraged to participate!

03/26  -  Indoor Climbing

Destination Options*:
Movement, Circuit, Stoneworks

$15  |  Students
$27  |  Faculty/Staff/Alumni
$30  |  Non-Affiliated

Register by April. 23**

* The destination for this trip is not yet decided. These are some examples of previous locations OP had traveled to in the past for this trip. Subject to change.
** In order to ensure adequate prep time, registration will close at NOON the Wednesday preceding the trip date for weekend trips and the Monday preceding weekday and multi-day trips.

Outdoor Pursuits

2017 21st Avenue, Forest Grove | 503-352-2264 | outdoors@pacificu.edu 

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