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Athletic Training Student Organization

Our mission is to better the social, personal, and academic lives of all students enrolled in the athletic training program. With a focus on community service, fundraising, and event planning, we seek to promote program growth and encourage students to become advocates, not only for their profession, but for their community.

Class of 2025 Officers

President | Lan Vu

Vice President | Logan Hurley

Secretary | Shannon Fitzgerald

Treasurer | Victoria Armenta

Social Coordinator | Liv Valente

Professional Student Senate | Alyssa Ross

Ambassadors | Karina Villegas (vill4367@pacificu.edu)

                              Alyssa Ross (ross8968@pacificu.edu)

Class of 2026 Officers

President | Madison Anger

Vice President | Zach Kitzhaber

Secretary | Shari Gray

Treasurer | Arianna Valenzuala 

Social Coordinators | Gabriela Cintron 

Professional Student Senate | Ethan Smoth

Ambassadors | Shari Gray (b089225p@pacificu.edu)

                              Madi Snyder (snyd3471@pacificu.edu)