This 2024-2025 academic calendar applies to the Athletic Training Program. The calendar is subject to change.
June 12 - Aug 9 | Classes 1st yr. students |
June 10 - Aug 9 | Classes and Clinical Practicum 2nd yr. students |
June 10 & 11 | Orientation (University/CHP level-specific) - 1st yr. students |
June 12 | First day of Classes - 1st yr. students |
June 14 | Orientation Part II (Group outing and AT Program-specific) - 1st yr. students |
June 25 - June 28 | NATA Conference, New Orleans, LA |
July 4 | Independence Day (no courses held) |
Aug 7 - 9 | Final Examinations - 1st yr. students |
Aug 12 - 16 | Summer Break 1st yr. students (Clinical Practicum continues for 2nd yr. students) |
Aug 19 | First day of classes and Clinical Practicum - 1st & 2nd yr. students |
Sept 2 | Labor Day Holiday (no courses held) |
Nov 11 | Veterans Day Holiday - (no courses held) |
Nov 27 - 29 | Thanksgiving Holiday - (no courses held) |
Dec 2 - 4 | Reading days |
Dec 5 - 8 & 9 - 12 | Final Examinations - 1st & 2nd yr. students |
Dec 13 - Jan 3 | Holiday Break (Dec 23 - Dec. 31, University closed, no courses held) |
Jan 6 | First Day of classes and Clinical Practicum- 1st & 2nd yr. students |
Jan 15 | Martin Luther King Day - (no classes held) |
March 24 - 28 | Spring Break - 1st & 2nd yr. students (no courses held) |
March 12 - 17 | NWATA District/Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium - Bellevue, WA |
April 28 - 30 | Reading Day - 1st & 2nd yr. students (no courses held) |
May 1 - 2 & 5- 9 | Final Examinations - 1st & 2nd yr. students |
May 17 | Saturday Commencement |