
Tzurei Chen
Tzurei Chen PT, PhD, GCS
Profession Title
Associate Professor
Pacific Email
Office Phone
Campus Office Location
Creighton Hall 364

Areas I Teach: 
Physical Therapy (DPT)

Teaching Responsibilities:
DPT 680: Geriatrics/Gerontology
DPT 746: Amputation Rehab

Areas of Interest:
Motion analysis
Fall prevention
Balance control in older adults
Balance control in individuals with limb loss

PhD, University of Oregon, 2012
MS, University of Oregon, 2008
BS, National Yang Ming University, 2004

Clinical Certifications:
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties 
2019 - present
Geriatric Certified Specialist (GCS)
American Institute of Balance Certified Vestibular Rehabilitation Provider
2021 - present

Chen T
, Yoshida Y.  Effects of power on balance and fall prevention in aging and older adults. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 2021;37(1),7-11.
Chen T, Chui K. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. In Martin S, Kessler M, eds. Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2020: 294-347.
Chui K, Yen SC, Chen T, Christiansen C. Impaired joint mobility in older adults. In Avers D, Wong R, eds. ҳܳDzԱ’s Geriatric Physical Therapy. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2020: 344-364.
Spaulding S, Chen T. Prosthetic options for persons with upper extremity amputation. In K. Chui, M. Jorge, S.C. Yen, M. Lusardi (Eds), Orthotics and prosthetics in rehabilitation. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2020: 759-783.
Chen T, Chou L-S, Impacts of muscle strength and balance control on sit-to-walk and turn durations in the timed up and go test. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2017; 98: 2471-2476.
Lugade V, Chen T, Erickson C, Fujimoto M, Juan J G S, Karduna A & Chou L-S. Comparison of an electromagnetic and optical system during dynamic motion. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications. 2015; 27(05): 1550041.
Chen T, Chang C-C and Chou L-S. Sagittal plane center of mass movement strategy and joint kinetics during sit-to-walk in elderly fallers. Clinical Biomechanics. 2013; 28: 807-812.
Chen T and Chou L-S. Altered center of mass control during sit-to-walk in elderly adult with and without history of falling. Gait & Posture. 2013; 38: 696-701.
Spaulding S, Chen T and Chou L-S. Selection of an above- or below-ankle orthosis for individuals with neuropathic partial foot amputation: a pilot study. Prosthetics & Orthotics International. 2012; 36: 217-224.
Chen C-J and L-S. Chou. Center of mass position relative to the ankle during walking: a clinically feasible detection method for gait imbalance. Gait & Posture, 2009; 31: 391-393.

Chen T
, Neumann S, Tomlinson S, Aase M, Louwagie A, adn Volk A. Turn Characteristics During the Turning Phase of the Timed Up and Go Test for Older Adults with and without Fall Histories.  9th World Congress Biomechanics, 2022, Podium.
Chen T, Tomlinson S, Neumann S, Foulk M. Effect of Age and Fall Histories on Center of Mass Control During the Turning Phase of the Timed Up and Go Test. 9th World Congress Biomechanics, 2022.
Seto K, Camilli G, Foulk M, Lin I, Tomlinson S, and Chen T. Assessment of Gait and Balance Impairment in Individuals with Lower Limb Loss during Timed Up and Go Test Using Wearable Sensors.  17th International Symposium of 3-D Analysis of Human Movement, 2022, Podium.
Tomlinson S, Neumann S, Foulk M, and Chen T. Center of Mass Control during Turning in Older Adults with and without Fall Histories.  APTA Combined Section Meeting, 2022.
Nuemann S, Tomlinson S, Aase M, Louwagie A, Volk A, and Chen T. Effect of Age and Fall Histories on Turn Characteristics During the Turning Phase of the Timed Up and Go Test. APTA Oregon Virtual Conference, 2021.
Blonski N, Yoshida Y, Chen T. Kinetic Energy for Chair Mobility in Individuals with Functional Limitations, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference, 2020.
Yoshida Y, Chen T. Biomechanical Characteristics of the Stand-up Test in American Adults–A Pilot Study to Examine Feasibility of 3D Analysis” XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2019) and 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB2019), 2019.
Chen T, Kessler M, Ricard R, Whetstone K. A Student-led Pro Bono Group Exercise Program Improves Movement Efficiency in an Individual with Stroke. APTA -Combined Sections Meeting, Washington DC, 2019.
Chen T and Chou L-S Frontal plane center of mass motion during Timed Up and Go Test predicts prospective falls in elderly adults. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2018.
Burklow M, Chen, T and Kessler M. Patient Perceptions of Treatment Received from Student Physical Therapists in a Pro Bono Clinic. APTA's NEXT Conference & Exposition, 2018.
Sholander K, Chen, T. The Effect of a Group Exercise Program on Psychosocial Outcomes for Individuals Who Have Experienced a Stroke. APTA's NEXT Conference & Exposition, 2017.
Chen T and Wagler J.  Effects of Student-led Balance Training on a Community-dwelling Older Adult with Recurrent Falls: A Case Study. Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Conference, 2017.
Devanathan D, Parkison P, and Chen T. Can Students Accurately Assess Their Own Clinical Performance? Combined Annual Meeting of Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research (CSCTR) and the Midwestern Section of the American Federation for Medical Research (MWAFMR), 2017.
Chen T, Johnson S, Gordon, A and Szczepanski J. The Effect of Ballet Balance Training on Center of Mass Control during Sit to Stand in an Elderly Patient with Balance Impairment: A Case Study. APTA Combined Section Meeting, 2016.
Chen T and Chou L-S. Center of Mass Control during Turning Phase of Timed Up and Go Test for Older Adults with and without Fall Histories. Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Conference, 2015.
Chen T and Chou L-S. Effect of Age and Fall Histories on Center of Mass Control during the Turning Phase of the Timed Up And Go Test. 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, 2014.
Chen T and Chou L-S. Impacts of Muscle Strength and Balance Control on the Component Tasks of the Timed Up and Go Test. ISPGR World Congress, 2013.
Chen T and Chou L-S. Biomechanical Balance Parameters in Frontal Plane Predict Prospective Falls in Elderly Adults. Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Conference, 2013.
Chen T and Chou L-S. Impacts of Muscle Strength and Balance Control on Sit-to-Walk and Turing Durations in the Timed Up and Go Test. Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Conference, 2013.
Chen T and Chou L-S. Altered Movement Strategy during Sit-to-Walk in Elderly Adults with History of Falling. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference, 2012.
Chen T and Chou L-S. Effect of Age and Balance Impairment on Movement Strategy during Sit-to Walk. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Conference Northwest Regional meeting, 2012.

Chair, Continue Education Committee
05/2022 - present | Oregon Physical Therapy Association
Vice Chair, Continue Education Committee
01/2020 - 05/2022 | Oregon Physical Therapy Association
2019 - present | American Lung Association Climb for Clean Air
05/2019 | Össur Running and Mobility Clinic for the challenged athletes
Director, community student-led balance training for the elderly
2015-2017 | University of Evansville Dept. of Physical Therapy

Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Reviewer for Physiotherapy
Reviewer for Archives and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Reviewer for Ergonomics
Reviewer for Gait and Posture

Boxer Spirit Award, 鶹Ӱ Class of 2021
Outstanding Professor of the Year, University of Evansville, 2017
Class of 1961 Fellowship award, University of Evansville, 2017
Best Motion Analysis Paper, Northwest Biomechanics Symposium, Tekscan.Inc 2012
ASSE Safety Research Fellowship, Liberty Mutual Research Institute, 2012
Jan Broekhoff Graduate Scholarship, Dept. of Human Physiology, University of Oregon, 2011
Donald and Darel Stein Graduate Student Teaching Award, University of Oregon, 2009
Campus Leadership and Involvement Award, University of Oregon, 2009
Ursula (Sue) Moshberger Scholarship, Dept. of Human Physiology, University of Oregon, 2009