Areas I Teach
Steve spent more than 13 years as a professor and administrator in higher education at Multnomah University and the International University of Monaco before stepping out of formal education to work with organizations in the nonprofit and public sectors. For the past 15 years, he has been developing the capacity of agencies that work with people to design strategy, develop people, and evaluate impact. He has taught thousands of leaders throughout North America and internationally how to design and implement a kind of evaluation that gets below the surface and into the heart of human change and transformation. Over the past few years, teams from more than 500 agencies throughout North America have participated in Project Impact, a year-long program to build the capacity of agencies and institutions to run self-studies on their impact. Steve has led capacity-building projects in evaluation with communities in rural Oregon. He has also facilitated strategic planning and evaluation with environmental organizations like The Climate Trust, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, the Willamette River Initiative, and various land trusts throughout Oregon. He has also been facilitating leadership development cohorts for public and nonprofit leaders in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. He is an author and conference speaker. He lives in Portland, Ore.