Richard Rutt
Richard Rutt, PT, PhD, ATC/R
Profession Title
Professor Emeritus
Pacific Email

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Teaching Responsibilities

DPT 653 | Physiology & Pharmacology I

Areas of Interest

Sports Physical Therapy

Injury prevention

Wellness and health promotion


PhD, University of Virginia, 1988

MS, Texas Woman's University, 1982

ADN, Iowa Western Community College, 1975

BA, Morningside College, 1972

Clinical Certifications

Certified Athletic Trainer, 2002

Representative Publications

Reisch R, Williams K, Nee RJ, Rutt RA. ULNT2 - Median Nerve Bias: Examiner Reliability and Sensory Responses in Asymptomatic Subjects. The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy13:1 44-55, 2004

Brewster E, Factora K, Robertson J, Salzman J, Rutt R. Comparison of heart rates in deep and shallow water running at the same rate of perceived exertion. Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy, 9:1, 2001

Owens, A., Menasche, R., Kenney, J., Medeiros, J., Rutt, R. Effectiveness of the auto edema reduction (AER) boot for treatment of edema in acute ankle sprains: A single case study. The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. 8:3 115-126, 2000


Iwakawa T, Kunimura S, Bush K, Rutt R. A Comparison of Antagonistic Isometric Hip Muscle Strength Ratios in Female Athletes With and Without Non-contact ACL Injury. Poster Presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined sections Meeting, San Diego, CA (2006).

"SI Dysfunction: Evaluation and Treatment". Presented to Tokyo Athletic Trainers Association, Tokyo, Japan (2004). Invited Speaker.

Gillard AJZ, Rabon JM, Farrell MK, Banaitis DA, Rutt RA. Predicting Falls in Two Populations of Older Adults. Platform Presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Nashville, TN (2004).

King C, Johnson J, Salzman J, Rutt R. Prevalence of Back Pain Correlated with Backpack Wearing in the Adolescent Population. Poster Presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Nashville, TN (2004).